Jensal has a lot of work to do. Her house is going to collapse; nobody had better be inside when it does. She is briskly bundling adult miracles into groups who have at least one decent job between them, she is writing to agencies that handle adoption for the ultimate disposition of kids who don't get picked up because she's reasonably sure that they will not all get picked up, and when parents do drop by to collect their little ones she is signing papers for every set of them with slightly gritted teeth. Lots to do. Her hand is cramping from paperwork and she doesn't care.
"If you want to know exactly how miracles work, talk to Lazarus," he says. "After the meeting."
"While I'm at it," says Mial, "there's no reason third-siahrs shouldn't be able to turn out lights and sorcerers and mages at the same rate as the non-siahr population, so they can have that too. And no esu, I forgot to explicitly mention no esu before, but no esu is definitely an important point. As for what characteristics they share with siahrs - they will, of course, speak Reform Draconic. They may as well come in the same set of colour groups. I see we've got at least one dragon from every colour group here. I know I want all third-siahrs to have my colour group's advantages by default, but maybe you have different opinions. Let's hear 'em."
"Yes, and I don't know how the hell they do it, I'd used up five forms by the time I was seventy," says Mial, "but more to the point, you're an emerald, do you want all third-siahrs to be empaths?"
"Okay. So, by default, green-group third-siahrs are empaths but the rest of them aren't. What about the other colour group traits? Violet-groups should stay their own thing, I imagine, and maybe not everybody wants to be as keen on fire as a red-group or as keen on flying as a white-group, but what about black-group improved senses?"
A large chalkboard appears behind him, with several things already written on it, in Leraal for his mother's convenience.
- No esu
- No spontaneous death
- No dragon magic
- No name expiration
- Ten forms for everyone
- Black-group dragon senses for everyone
"No dragon magic means no mechanism for unusuals and uniques to naturally occur," volunteers Lazarus. "Maybe all third-siahrs should be the equivalent of unusual dragons of their colour group."
"Sure, why not," says Mial. He remembers one of his previous suggestions and silently adds a point to the list: Same chance for lights, sorcerers, mages as non-siahr Elcenians. "Any thoughts on Everyone Is Unusual?"
The green fellow who attended the meeting leans to try to get a look at Finnah's face when he hears her speak.
"Valid point. Everyone Is Unusual except red-groups, who can optionally become unusual at some slightly more mature age like I don't know ninety?" he suggests. "What's a reasonably mature age for relatively normal siahrs, I was racing scoots at eighty-one, I make a terrible baseline."
"...Okay," says Mial, half-absently petting Finnah's feathers and very consciously ignoring the green man. "Ninety or ninety-five. Are there any other colour groups whose unusual characteristics should come in late for safety reasons? I don't think so, but I don't know everything."
"Yeah, you, get lost," Mial says to the green man. "Whatever you're trying to say is pretty clearly not relevant to this meeting and I don't want to deal with it."
"Okay. So that's red-group and white-group third-siahrs who should have late-onset unusual status, and everybody else can have it from hatching." He magically adds a list item to this effect onto the chalkboard and glances over the whole thing again. "I like this list. This is a pretty good list. Oh, right, the names thing. What horrible disasters will ensue if third-siahrs can have personal names of arbitrary syllable length?"
"Well, my mother, for a start," says Mial. "Past that, anyone who can get a miracle worker to make them one. I imagine it'll be popular among thudias and nondragon partners of dragons. I would personally be willing to make a third-siahr out of anybody who asked nicely, but if I got flooded with requests I might have to find a better way to systematize than that. Lazarus! Do you foresee any syllable-related problems?"
"I'm not completely sure. I haven't seen any dragonish names change before and I don't quite understand all the parameters. But I think with enough miracle you could just make it that third-siahr personal names can give away repeat syllables. I certainly think you should make it that third-siahr names can accept repeat syllables from anyone."