"Yes, really. I. Look. I don't really care that much about whether or not I can fly in my natural form," he says. "Racing scoots is more than enough for me. It'd be nice, but so would being a unique, you know? And between the two I'd go for being a unique first, no question. So... the only reasons to stop being a shren are the chance I might infect somebody, and purely to stop being a shren. And there's no fucking way I'm going to do it purely to stop being a shren. All that's left is contagion, and... and I don't know, Finnah. I just don't fucking know."
"Yeah," he says quietly. "Fuck, does it ever. But that's just it, don't you see? I can't let it win. If I stop being a shren just to get away from that, I'm letting it win."
"I know, it must come as such a shock." He sighs. "Anyway. I'll think about it, I guess. Until they show up. Whenever that is. Just... don't be surprised if I say no."
"That's the only reason I haven't yet decided to say no," he says. "And... I mean... if these people don't mean to just leave all the future striped eggs in the lurch, their miracles must be renewable, right? So - even if I lose a form, even if I lose a form around a dragon in their natural form - it's not nearly as bad as it could've been. I'm keeping the extra safety spells on my scoot, mind you. I'm not going to be careless about it."
"And I'm going to keep racing scoots and inciting obnoxious letters to editors," snorts Mial.
"Shit, they'll be lining up to interview me on that basis alone. At last, the fame I deserve."
"...No," he admits. "I sort of distantly hinted at it a little bit. I said 'I need to think about this' and not, say, 'hooray!'."
"My dad... is very much my dad," says Mial. "I don't know. He's never - he even says 'dragonish', you know? Basically only to me, but still. He gave up his line name for me. I don't feel like I have a reason to be nervous."
"Well, now it's going to bug me until I go talk to him. Might as well get it over with," he says, getting up and dusting himself off.
If he's joking about it so casually, he must not be that worried.