"I'm pretty sure by that point word will have gotten around that The Last Shren is unusually tiny."
"Oh no," he snickers. "I feel bad for them but at the same time weirdly vindicated. Like the first time somebody wrote in to complain about an article that didn't even allude to shrens just because he recognized my name."
"Roughly the same principle, even if less directly. 'Watch out, everybody, the Last Shren is tiny and silver!' It's, well, recognition."
"If people weren't so inclined to see me as a terrifying monster I wouldn't need the recognition," he says. "At least not the same way. If existing in public as a shren was not, itself, an obnoxious act of shrenhood, I wouldn't be so compelled to find vastly more obnoxious ones and do those."
Here Ends This Thread