Mial is delighted about the fluff piece in the regional newspaper.
When the issue with the letters to the editor gets published, he reads all four of them in a state of slowly escalating rage and then takes that copy of the newspaper to the bottom of the world with him so that he can assume his natural form and burn it to ash.
When the issue with the letters to the editor gets published, he reads all four of them in a state of slowly escalating rage and then takes that copy of the newspaper to the bottom of the world with him so that he can assume his natural form and burn it to ash.
They play it, once Mial manages to sit still long enough to take a turn. He calms down gradually. By the end of the visit he is mostly back to normal.
But even once he's no longer actively mad - and he has a few more flare-ups over the following week, when he lets himself get worked up about it again - he maintains his resolve to get serious about scoot racing. He doesn't quite actively seek media attention... but he is the youngest-equivalency formal scoot racer in the world; he checked. And he's good. As he puts more and more of his time into practicing, he starts winning more and more often. That's the kind of thing people write articles about, isn't it?
But even once he's no longer actively mad - and he has a few more flare-ups over the following week, when he lets himself get worked up about it again - he maintains his resolve to get serious about scoot racing. He doesn't quite actively seek media attention... but he is the youngest-equivalency formal scoot racer in the world; he checked. And he's good. As he puts more and more of his time into practicing, he starts winning more and more often. That's the kind of thing people write articles about, isn't it?
Well then maybe he'll just have to become bigger news.
That isn't actually why he decides he wants to design his own scoot. He wants to design his own scoot because he's familiar with and tired of all the flaws in the design of his mother's, and it's an interesting challenge that might actually keep him occupied for a good long while. The fact that it's another way to be strikingly unusual in a public forum is just a very nice bonus.
That isn't actually why he decides he wants to design his own scoot. He wants to design his own scoot because he's familiar with and tired of all the flaws in the design of his mother's, and it's an interesting challenge that might actually keep him occupied for a good long while. The fact that it's another way to be strikingly unusual in a public forum is just a very nice bonus.