She writes to Colla.
Finnah declines your invitation. She would rather stay with us.
There is a delay, and a letter from Colla to Finnah.
Finnah discards it unread.
There is a further delay, and a letter from Colla to Koridaar.
There's no longer any reason for her to be away from home. Xaran can shift now and the plan was always that when that happened she would come home. Surely you can explain it to her if she doesn't understand it from my letters?
She made her choice, very emphatically I might add, and I am inclined to support her in it. I understand that sending her here was the best decision you felt you could make out of a set of very bad options, but that decision had consequences, and this is one of them. I will not force her to return to you when she does not want to go.
And now Mial is not so busy, so if he would like to, he can come visit Aurin's school and see what it is like, if that falls under the category of "places that exist and therefore must be gone to". Aurin has been going to half-years of school for a couple of years (humans in Corenta start when they are six, but Aurin was allowed to start late and skip into the same form as the nine-equivalents on the grounds that he is a dragon and a) would have wasted more time than the government is prepared to demand, repeating introductory forms over and over, b) did not need to be taught to read, or about the basics of recent local history that he lived through, or do other basic things like count and name colors that may slip under the radar for six years but not for sixty). There is a visitor's day coming up.
Aurin goes to an expensive private school that Alys chose principally for its educational virtues but which also teaches bilingually in Vansalese and Ertydon as a partial immersion language program in whichever direction. Accordingly, a number of Ertydoan, Linnipese, and Gibryelan immigrants have kids there.
While Aurin is in the bathroom -
This family of redheads looks lost and is trying to extract directions from one of the math teachers who doesn't speak any Ertydon beyond "hello" and similar.
He turns to the math teacher and explains in Vansalese, "They wanted directions to the auditorium, but I know where that is, so they're fine now!"
Then he turns back to the lost family. "It's this way," he says cheerfully. "And I'm not a dragon, actually, I'm a shren. Close enough, though."