There abruptly appears a beautiful woman in beautiful clothes who looks extremely annoyed.
She looks around at her surroundings, and sighs.
"Healing, engineering, practical bloodworking, chemistry, manufacturing..."
"Manipulating underblood. Good for creating more productive strains of crops and livestock and prettier flowers and eliminating genetic diseases from embryos and so on."
"Oh, I see. Valinor has a very managed ecosystem, I wonder if the solutions overlap much."
"Various people including the Valar will be investigating my disappearance, but I don't know what the timeline will be on their fetching me back if they can do it at all. Is it likely to be manageable on this end?"
"...I do not actually know. If anyone can do it it's probably Atennesi."
The twins lead her to yet another building, through more Sufficiently Pretty gardens, to what appears to be an administrative building.
"Hello," Illia says to a secretary. "Someone from another plane of existence landed on my theoretical bloodworking class." And she shows him the note. He examines it for a while and then looks up at Mirelote.
"So you're the supposed outworldly visitor?"
"I have a very good memory and a friend who would be ashamed of me if there existed phonemes I couldn't pronounce. Odette and Illia have been very helpful."