There abruptly appears a beautiful woman in beautiful clothes who looks extremely annoyed.
She looks around at her surroundings, and sighs.
"I'm glad to hear that. You can't pick up a new specialty safely or have just redirected your energies?"
"I very much don't want to risk falling back into old habits. And Sympathy is both the most convenient for bloodworking and the one I had a problem with."
"You are welcome to look at it. I assume you had no plans to do anything else with it but I should be understood to have what is probably a stronger-than-human negative reaction to the idea of finding myself with children I did not plan for or have under ideal conditions."
Nod. "I just wanted to be quite sure. You may look as much as you like."
Odette grins.
Illusions fill the air. Squiggles and symbols and a traditional representations of chromosomes.