There abruptly appears a beautiful woman in beautiful clothes who looks extremely annoyed.
She looks around at her surroundings, and sighs.
She is a bit hungry and maybe it isn't open round the clock. She goes looking for the cafeteria.
The cafeteria is currently open! Odette is also heading in to eat. She waves.
Odette is sitting at a table with several other students, including her sister, but there is totally room.
"First name given name second name family name. It's not universal but it's pretty common in Genosha."
"I see. My names are both given, I use them interchangeably but most people have a preference."
"Sometimes parents argue over who gets to pick the kid's given name. Mom named Odette and Dad named me."
"Occasionally Elf parents argue over whether a name is suitable or not but mostly they just call the children by the names they chose themselves until the child has a preference."
"I have my maternal grandmother's name, Dad picked Illia's to match--the Odyssey and the Iliad are a famous pair of books."
"Is that common in humans? It happens in Elves but only deliberately, and I'm not sure humans could do it deliberately."
"It's not very common, but it's not rare enough to be very remarkable. How do you do it on purpose?"
"Elves have a lot of control over our bodies and someone decided to see what would happen if they had two babies at once."