There abruptly appears a beautiful woman in beautiful clothes who looks extremely annoyed.
She looks around at her surroundings, and sighs.
"I think you don't have the underlying technological concepts, but for us it works naturally, we're born with them."
"Unfortunately we don't know how to give them safely to people who don't have them; there's a species like that at home, too. They don't really want them but even if they did we wouldn't know how."
"Yes, as long as the chip is intact it's as simple as making a new body around it."
"Mandos has backups but I'm not sure if he's getting them from here, so if something happened to my chip I'd potentially lose some memories."
"- interesting. Does that extend to cases where the head has been destroyed?"
"I'm not sure of the exact details of what he has in mind but I don't think the caution is likely to be misplaced." She is attempting to be aware of magic. So aware.