Ow ow ow ow ow.
"Yes. It is. There are - at least - five. Probably more. It'd be a coincidence if all of them had drawbacks I could notice right away."
"One of the artifact effects I have noticed appears to have made me fall in love with the first person I saw it's really weird I'm sorry."
"It's a concerning thing. Is there anything I should be concerned about besides the part where I am subject to a mind-altering effect."
"Mostly that and - its logical consequences - like, normally the first thing I'd look into if I found someone from another world stranded on the bottom of this one would be getting them home, but this seems like it might complicate that..."
"I mean it doesn't - confer an obligation or anything - is there actually a way to do that -"
"Interworld magic is a thing, it's a bit obscure and I don't personally know any of the spells but I can look them up, what do you mean by confer an obligation?"
"...you don't have to keep me around just because I landed here and became magically in love with you? If you don't want to."
"...well, yes, that's true, but even if you'd landed here and not become magically in love with me, if you'd decided that you wanted to stay in Elcenia I would've put some effort into arranging that."
"Sure, but it's not your fault either, and I have more resources to apply to the situation than you do. Speaking of which, would you perhaps like to not be on the bottom of the world anymore, I can teleport you home and you can meet my mother."
"- one or more of the artifacts have struck me blind and deaf, I can hear words but not anything else so I think that's whatever's giving me the ability to speak your language overriding the being deaf. Maybe if I'm lucky I can also read. I have a - replacement sense - might be from the same artifact or a different one - but I wasn't sure how accurate it was."
"The more I hear about this 'artifacts' thing, the more concerning it sounds." He holds out a hand in her direction, explaining, "Passenger-capable teleport spells almost always target by touch."
And he makes a gesture with his other hand and says something unintelligible and then they are in a different place. It is not nearly so flat here, and there are plants and an occasional tree within her range, and directly in front of them is a cozy little house. He lets go of her hand.
"Oh, okay, apparently my new sense works fine, assuming this is a house." She points at the house.