instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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"Yeah I told her to go find the babysitter she didn't want to let go of me I had to slap her to get her to leave and then she ran off, I only just managed to email the sitter, I don't know if she found her."


"Your daughter's born this spring?"




"Why didn't you run away with her?"


"They were implying they had guns. I saw one, later. They could've said she ran out and back in."


"Okay. So you sent your daughter away and stayed there talking with them?"


"I reached for my pocket everything and they said that was a bad idea - that's what I meant about implying guns - and they told me 'come here' - when I got close enough they dragged me over the fence and into the jungle a ways and hurt me."


"Do you have documented injuries?"


"If the prison doctor documented them, yeah. He said he filed an excessive force complaint. I don't know if rape is a separate form."


"- it is, yes."


"I dunno if he filed that one or if I have to or what."



"I can check with the prison doctor. All right, so - subsequently -"


"Then they arrested me and threw me in a truck and dumped me here."



"Okay. So I'm going to try to - look up the purples, had you seen any of them before - and if your pocket everything had anything that tracks location enabled you can request that from your user account or we can ask the satellite company, and see if your daughter's babysitter can corroborate the timing. Maybe check if the fence looks like someone got dragged over it. If we can prove it happened like you said you probably won't be convicted of anything."


"They looked a little familiar like I might have seen them around, I don't know them though."


"Genders, any other identifying features -"


She produces the best descriptions she can.


"Okay. I'm going to ask for four days, judges don't like granting that much time but I want enough time to talk to them before the interview if we can find them. Is there other information I should have?"


"I don't know what else you need. - the babysitter is so expensive especially if I don't warn her in advance, is there any way I could have my baby here, it's nice enough here, she'd be fine -"


"I can ask. What I need - before trial we'll go over how to describe the series of events more usefully for a judge, which points are relevant and worth emphasizing. I'll check if the red who plays doctor did the medical documentation correctly. You have a record, that doesn't help, but not a record of lying - the judge will probably resist asking why the fuck you tried to get an Elf -"


"Or are you gonna say that one was rape too."


"No, it wasn't. He's nice."


"All right. I'm sending my contact information if you have any questions. I'll try to get you purple pictures for identification this afternoon or evening, you look right through them and tell me as soon as you recognize one, okay?"



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