instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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The red sobers up in the cozy red jail and comes out and the shopkeeper has been told not to sell him booze and he is annoyed about that but does not hit his husband because he is not drunk.


(Maitimo issues a directive telling the Elf judges to get the fuck over themselves with respect to gay Amentans, he never wants to hear about it again and sentencing discrepancies should be completely undetectable.)


A few more places get seasoned poles and equatorial regions and Calado is very very rich. It sends all its wronged blues even more money and cuts taxes further and speeds along lightleapers and sets more money aside for terraforming.


Everyone is so excited! Greys sign up to explore space in droves.


Plumbers called in to do some work in the newly constructed government office in the south city might be fascinated to find out their tunnel goes right by the domestic affairs office of Prince Canafinwë Macalaurë, with apparently no attention paid to soundproofing. He's speaking Quenya at present so it's not that useful but he'll probably have meetings with locals sometimes.


Plumbers note this.

Reds sometimes hang out in the tunnel.


Most conversations are in Oahkar. Yes, they expect to be able to sustain the tax cuts, they're not expanding services instead because Calador education actually seems okay despite being private and no one else seems to be buying higher quality of life with their additional government spending. Yes, some criminals who the old system would have executed have committed crimes again, it'd be astonishing if none of them did, they're not going to go back to executing them any more than they're going to start executing other random people to cut down the number of crimes committed. Yes, they're buying up land adjacent to the red districts for a project related to reds, talk to Urban Development for details.


...a red calls the urban development department and puts on a purple accent.


"Yes, we're looking into getting higher density downtown. If enough land becomes available we're going to convert it to red housing, fit them all into three blocks instead of sprawled across eighteen. But no one wants to have sudden red neighbors, so we need the surrounding buildings as well, project's not likely to go ahead unless we can get it all pretty cheaply."


If Elves are monitoring red websites they can see nervous mutterings.


They are! They will not acknowledge mutterings unless they're on the website they're admitting they read, though.


Eventually the new liaison asks, all innocence, why they're buying up the land.


"Oh, someone noticed that your infrastructure is all pretty behind-the-times since you have to do all the internal repairs and don't have the equipment for heavy lifting, and also the population density's way lower because you don't have the tools to build, say, a red skyscraper. Asked Prince Nelyafinwë if we could buy a few adjacent blocks and put modern housing with modern infrastructure there, then pay people to relocate. They have a bunch of reservations about the project - the buildings need to be maintainable by you, is the most important one, plus it seems likely that a few people won't want to move and we'll just have a bigger, even less dense red district - but eventually he said that if the land was even accessible they could take the designs to you and see what you thought of it. So if the land is accessible I guess someone'll be taking you a project plan and then you can tell them whether there's a way to make it work."





"Do you have thoughts on that? We won't be upset."


"What we heard didn't sound like we could not move."


"What'd you hear?"


"...that you wanted it denser."


"We do want it denser but only if it still works for you, and if you didn't want to move - okay, maybe some people wouldn't want to move out of sheer stubbornness but if lots of people don't want to move even for money then probably it's going to fail to work for you in some way you're scared to tell us about, and so we shouldn't go for it."




"We have done lots of hurting you in ways you're scared to tell us about and we feel horrible about it and we won't do it again."




"Is there anything else I can help with?"


" much would you be paying people to move?"


"Probably a lot. Eighteen blocks of downtown has a really high land value even split across all the people living there."


"We, um, we... own it. It's not just sort of... collective space."

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