instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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Clerk promises to get things done.


Okay good. Uh. Does the clerk want anything else.


Nope, he's free to go. Also they can submit complaints by email if they'd rather, the Elves would like to have a channel to talk with them but it'd be understandable if they were more comfortable just emailing.


Oh, okay. He leaves.


Elves work on red complaints. 


They trickle in through email. Occasionally they are about other reds. Or website design.


Has the police force considered having a red deputy to investigate internal red things.


They have tried things like that before but the deputies tended to be very bad about chain of command stuff and obstructing investigations and failing to make arrests.


Huh. Maybe now that there's a red prison it'd go better?


Enh. Maaaaaybe.


Up to them. Just, they've gotten some tipoffs on red domestic calls and things that aren't worth wasting real cops' time.


Some of the red communities don't have social workers so they're not sure how to recruit.


Put an application online, do interviews via video? That's how they've been running the red prison and it's nice and efficient and requires no decontamination.


Yeah all right. They put an application online.


They post on their red blog (and link on the red website) about it. They are assuming the obstruction and failing to make arrests was because horrible things would happen to arrestees. But now the justice system's improved (reds who've been arrested for things are welcome to comment on whether they agree, which they can do because they have internet in prison) and anyone who would like to help proportionately, reasonably, non-punitively handle abusers and thieves and so on is encouraged to apply online. 


There are some applications and soon every red neighborhood has at least one red deputy who can transport disruptive reds directly to the prison at need. The prison accumulates domestic abusers and drunk-and-disorderlies and petty thieves and people who keep their neighbors awake at night.


Judges hear cases and issue restraining orders or fines or short prison sentences and try with only traces of vague alien cluelessness to understand root causes of problems.


One judge says to one of her blue colleagues that she's not sure she can hear a domestic abuse case between two married red men fairly. Does the blue think he could or would he find it offputting because reds in the same way the Elf is finding it offputting because men.


As long as the blue doesn't have to, like, go near them, should be fine? But the Elves are huge softies and the blue is not a huge softie.


How would the blue usually handle a guy who occasionally gives his husband a black eye when drunk.


Couple weeks in lockup on a deaddiction protocol, forbid him to buy alcohol for two seasons, if the problem recurs after that repeat with longer periods of time.


This seems reasonable even to the huge softies does he wanna handle that one.


Is there some reason the Elves can't do the thing the blue just told them or imagine the guy has a wife at home or something?


Well, that would be different, hitting your wife is an entirely different sort of thing.





Elves can't actually explain that at all.


They sentence the guy to a couple weeks in lockup on addiction treatment and two seasons sober and they avoid telling him not to go anywhere near his husband.

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