instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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"Say hi to your secret boyfriend for me."


"I will tell him all about you." He already has, actually. He goes back inside.


Sondayo goes home.


Yavanna gives Calado's equatorial region seasons. It will even snow during the winter, making it the only part of Calado that does that. 


People start moving in.


She will go do it for other places! Calado's government tells her which other places. Other places will pay quite a bit for habitable land. Calado's government has outrageous amounts of money, pays the blue civil suit off early with an extra 20,000 ahk a person in interest, cuts taxes, gives the universities and the military a bigger research budget.


Er, why is the military getting a bigger research budget. Is there something they would like to tell their friends and neighbors.


 - because everybody gets a bigger research budget, because they had lots of extra money to go around. The military isn't getting a bigger share of the pot. Has anyone read enough about Elves yet that he can swear to things.


Some people have!


Then he will happily swear to those people that Calado has no expansionist or interventionist ambitions and anticipates no specific conflicts on the horizon and will be a responsible neighbor and good ally.


Is there any chance he in his alien, non-Calado capacity, might have any such ambitions or anticipations.


Okay because he did conquer a country that one time.


Yep. But he has better avenues to protect his people while getting Amenta into space, these days. If he runs across anywhere that's as much of an ongoing catastrophe as Calado he'll probably be briefly tempted.


The blues publicize the thing about homophobic Elves.

He gets a lot of email.


His staff replies to everything inside three minutes. Thanks for your inquiry. It is safe to visit Valinor if you're gay. You may shock or frighten people, just like you may shock or frighten them by petting someone's hair; it is a difference between our species which not everyone is well informed about. The Noldor are negotiating with the other Elven nations to ensure the comfort of all Amentan visitors to anywhere on our homeworld. 


This calms down most of them, although a few people are persistently concerned for the poor gay Elves who may exist.


Thanks for your inquiry. Elves are much less likely than Amentans to have interest in non-normative relationships, and given the statistical improbability of finding a partner and the desire for children and a traditional family, they choose to get their sexuality changed. It has been widely reported that Amenta does not culturally discourage same-sex relationships and doubtless any Elf who wanted to pursue one would feel free to come here.


That settles most of the rest of it. There are as ever some weirdos but they have nothing substantive to say.


They still get near-instantaneous replies. It is a point of pride among Maitimo's staff and being on a planet full of weirdos where inquiries might come in in any of a hundred twelve languages will not change a thing. 


Elves would like blues to run family court, please, it turns out Elves are not very good at it. (They don't say that. They just say there are positions open.)


Two native blues who recited the spiel about acknowledging the government and seven immigrants apply.


They take them all; family court has quite a caseload. The judiciary is supposed to be independent, meaning the prince can't lean on them and the plaintiff's aunt can't lean on them and the laws against bribery are stringently enforced and every once in a while somebody might test this by trying to lean on them and should be told to fuck off, does that work for all of them?


If someone attempts to lean on them with threats they would not like followed through on then what?


Of course their safety comes first but ideally that person should be reported and the state'll cover increased security while they arrest that person and anyone positioned to follow through on threats.


One of them immigrated from a country where they punish attempts to bribe officials by confiscating the amount offered and awarding it to the official anyway, if they can prove they were offered it as a bribe (usually accomplished by recordings). Hint hint.

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