instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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...wait, you mean there's a disorder in Elves that causes springing sideways and also those other things and you decided to render the only harmless outlet on the list illegal?


It's not harmless, it makes people feel disgusted. And you can go to the Valar and get it fixed.


It makes people feel disgusted when it's Amentans too and you got that fixed.


Prince Nelyafinwë said Amentans don't count. I assume he thinks the people being disgusted is less important or that we'll be able to override it by reminding ourselves it's aliens or possibly just that it'd be politically inconvenient to rule the normal way.



The blue gets on the next ship to Oahk.


The ships are fairly regular at this point. 


He lands in Oahk and shows up at the next event Prince Nelyafinwë is scheduled to attend outside Calador borders because fuck the legitimacy of the new government.


He attends plenty of events and it's not hard to find him at this trade conference in Anitam.


The blue marches up to him and slaps a printout of the email exchange into his hands. "Explain yourself."


...he reads it. "- I don't think we've met."


"Yeah, you didn't kidnap me personally, you had our army do it. That's not what I'm talking about, although it is why I had to endure Anitami airports to find you because fuck your usurper government."


"Why don't we step outside. What's your name -"


"Sondayo Insho."


He starts walking outside.


Sondayo trails him.


"Is your complaint that there's a manifestly unjust law on our books and I have more or less arbitrary authority there and yet haven't bothered to change it? Or something else?"


"My complaint is that you took immigrants and prisoners to a planet with this law, didn't notify anybody, and now I'm the only blue living on Valinor because the others all left in protest and I want to know if that kid who might spring any day is in danger if an Elf girl secretly gives her the time of day, the logic your subordinate gave me doesn't hold together and this isn't actually any slower than waiting for written turnaround."


"No one's in danger. There's nothing wrong with gay Elves."


"Then why do they think there is?"


"Ah, adverse selection - if you're a nice normal pro-social person you get it fixed - plus that if you're just discreetly keeping a lover it'll never come out, the cases that come out are ones with a victim who reported it, plus the general tendency to assume that things one finds disgusting are otherwise bad."


"How did it become a matter of being pro-social in the first place?"


"Valar said so. This is why I've been trying to keep their role here extremely handled, they have strong opinions and - Elves had yet to invent the printing press when they first took us in, if they said that it was horrible for people to be like that who were we to disagree?"


"...why do they say so?"


"The god who created Elves created us with two genders which complement each other psychologically and emotionally, and gave us the desire for sex so that we would have a special connection within marriage with the mother or as relevant father of our children, and he did not intend sex for anything else and it's a perversion to seek it out in other contexts."


Sigh. "And you have this nice enlightened perspective on it because?"

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