instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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Evidence could be introduced on the question during the damages phase of the trial.



He has collected a list of grievances more individual than "they kidnapped me and dumped me on cheesemongers" and submits it.


The state doesn't contest any of the factual points. They did in fact wrongfully arrest all of the blues, except for this specific one thousand six hundred eighty two of them; they submit documentation that those arrests were justified given the information known to them at the time and further justified by the long list of serious felonies those blues were in fact guilty of.

The state observes that the per-season national budget is two hundred fourteen billion ahk and requests that judgments in excess of one twentieth that be payable over the course of several years.


Other complaints include emotional and mental harm, breaking and entering, subversion of employees, loss of reputation, lost wages, failure to observe correct arrest procedure, arrest by non-police agents, inadequate conditions en route, abuse of hospitality, general outrageous behavior, cultural violence, enlisting innocent third parties as jailers, and (to the extent the attempted punishment was exile) deportation to unfamiliar shores.


The court meticulously examines those claims. The state contests that third parties were enlisted as jailers, since they had no duties with respect to the blues and did not, in fact, imprison them. The state contests abuse of hospitality on the grounds that the Elves were repeatedly threatened when trying to leave (this threat was just as frequently countermanded, but they had no reason to anticipate one side or the other would win out if they actually tried to go to Tapa). 


The court awards blues forty-eight billion to be paid over four years. This is on the high end of the damages guidelines for each complaint but within them.


The blue who is going through all this wishes to appeal the "did not in fact imprison them" statement; the Vanyar are innocent of arresting them but were by some mechanism induced to participate in housing them in a broader context that they could not without substantial effort and enlisting assistance depart. There is distant historical precedent wherein people were placed on islands or in deserts near people who could help keep them alive. This appeal technically obliges the post-coup government of Calado to give money to the Vanyar, not the blues, but he pushes it anyway. He also less optimistically appeals the hospitality part; many of the blues in question were in fact attempting to display hospitality and were arrested with everyone else.


Sure, says the state, but if half a household is offering hospitality and half making it clear it'd be unwise for you to leave you're not violating hospitality if you do things that'd be impermissible under normal hospitality rules.

The appeals court tells them to give the Vanyar some money. The Vanyar don't even use money and are confused about it and after consulting with some experts decide to give it to the cause of paying child credits for people who are expecting a baby and lack a credit. Everybody tries to explain to them that this creates a horrible incentives problem and they say okay they won't do it again next spring but for people who are already pregnant.


Meanwhile, the blues who decided to stay with the Vanyar and approximately retire there go about their lives.


The Vanyar are good neighbors! The degree to which they don't have a caste system is extremely weird; there are goatherds who by daytime teach calculus to children who are willing to wander along with the goats and in the evenings write and publish set theory papers. The regional governor works in the cheese warehouses and takes appointments while sorting packages. Everybody sings well enough to be a star on Amenta. 


Well. Aliens.

The blues who have stayed are mostly older; a couple widowed folks and a dozen married couples and a few singles who never settled down. One younger blue stayed but moved to where the yellow and grey imports were staying; everyone still among the cheesemongers is past fertile age. This does not mean that the married couples will not, say, kiss each other.


The Vanyar are reserved about romantic affection themselves but they don't have any reaction when it's the straight people doing it.


When it's a gay couple people look extremely startled and cover their childrens' eyes.


The blue men look around for what startling thing happened!


The Vanyar do not actually explain themselves but they keep their children away from those men!


They haven't reseasoned and it's spring back home so this gets to be pretty conspicuous. One of them asks where one of the Elf kids has been lately, did they send her to school or something?


Suspicious glare.


"What's the matter?"


"If people are like that here the Valar fix them."


"- like what? Did something happen to Aicassë?"


"I don't know, did it?"


"I haven't seen her in days, I'm asking where she went - what happened -"


"In Valinor, when people don't want an ordinary personal life and marriage and children, they keep it to themselves or they get help for it, they don't go around indulging it."


"I don't have the foggiest idea what you're talking about."


"The man you're - living with!"


"...we're married and have a daughter."


"...are you not both men?"

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