instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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Rindeya bows and turns to go.


"Have a good day."


"Thank you." And down the tunnel.


The planet scouts return! They found some planets that were potentially habitable, but none with atmospheres and none with life; the Elves review the survey data and conclude there might be an expensive terraforming project ahead, and reach out to some bigger countries proposing a discussion of sharing a first colony planet and the costs of terraforming it if perfectly habitable pre-terraformed ones are not miraculously happened across.


Voa would like to know about the projected costs of such an operation and the sharing protocol.


This is still in early planning stages but Voa can be sent copious meticulous policy notes. 


The sharing protocol is fairly key to their willingness to involve themselves.


The leading proposals seems to be splitting by cost contributions. What else do they need to know?


To what extent may they expect to retain sovereignty over their portion of the planet, on the spectrum between "extension of Voan territory" and "designated destination for Voan emigration", with particular attention to the practical availability of starships and how it may constrain this parameter?


Calado's planning to retain sovereignty over their portion. More meticulous notes attached on current starship program timelines and planned accessibility of those ships once they're produced. By the time any place is terraformed Voa'll probably have their own and Calado will have at least nine of which four are designed for commercial use.


Tapa wishes to host a conference on international colonization protocols!


That sounds good. Elves send a host of people for the policy side (Elves, yellows) and a host of people for the terraforming science side (Elves, greens).


People mostly keep to themselves how difficult it is to tell what sort of career the Elves do. Blues and greens and yellows and a few purple businesspeople interested in placing infrastructure attend the conference. It is busy and the moderators have their hands full. Lunch is included.


Some Elves have taken to wearing green or blue hair accessories. Maitimo hasn't. They lunch.


That old blue lady in Voan garb probably thinks she is being subtle with her seething dislike of Elves. None of the Amentans seem to have noticed.


He not only notices immediately but can guess who she is off that alone. It's not really a very good conversation starter, though. When they are seated near each other he vaguely considers fleeing and then decides that would be immature. 

"Governor Avalor. Nice to meet you. I'm Maitimo."


"Do you prefer that to 'Prince Nelyafinwë'?"


"Yes, actually." Several other Elves giggle and glance down the table at Fëanáro, who has braided in green ribbons and is delightedly discussing Quenya with some local greens.


"...this is a source of humor?"


" - when I was born the succession was disputed, and being an impolitic person my father named me literally 'third in the line of succession of the house of Finwë'.  This failed to settle the succession, and it's not the name I choose to go by in most contexts, least of all here where we're claiming no hereditary authority."


"Maitimo, then."


Nod. "What's Voa hoping for out of an accord?"


"Clarity, a defined accessible process for colonial independence to prevent any ugly revolutionary suddenness if ever independence should be desirable, possibly the foundation of some kind of interplanetary oversight system with more scope than Amenta's preexisting accords or any equivalents from Valinor or Endorë to settle unforeseeable issues."


He only flinches at 'ugly revolutionary suddenness' if you happen to be looking rather closely.


"The five-day delay does seem likely to cause some unavoidable inefficiencies in attempting to govern the places indefinitely," Avalor says blandly, "and of course everyone's priority is making sure our constituents can have children, whether they do so under our personal auspices or not."

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