instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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They'll take grey immigrants who want to be police wearing body cameras and have as many children as they'd like!


The scabs are attacked by the strikers.


Then the strikers will be arrested and imprisoned for assaulting an on-duty police officer. 


It does make it harder to import more. Can't have kids if you're dead.


Can have magic alien dog backup preventing you from getting dead. 


Not everywhere. There are more strikes.


They can train immigrant cops in batches and send them with Huan to arrest striking precincts one at a time.


Is striking illegal now?


No they're just all under investigation for the murder of those immigrant police officers and in surprisingly many cases also for miscellaneous police brutality cases and suspicious deaths in custody! The ones unassociated with police brutality and suspicious deaths in custody will be promptly released after questioning about the murders.


They didn't commit murders they were not even in the relevant city at the time they are obviously only being arrested for striking.


Did they hear anybody bragging about committing the murders? Have people in their precinct talked about murdering their replacements? If they were going to do that, how would they do it? How do they think police officers can be protected from being murdered?


What exactly are the rights of arrested people under this regime.


They get a lawyer! They get a prompt hearing before a judge. There are all kinds of rules about minimum standards for prison conditions. Refusing to answer questions can be used against you in court.


Okay, lawyers, given that these cops in other cities that didn't have scab-murders are obviously only arrested for striking but striking is supposedly not illegal and they're being asked to rat out their friends, exactly how bad does it get if they keep mum.


Lawyers think that it'd be impossible to make a case against them at present but that if any cops do get murdered in their precinct they will almost certainly get arrested as accessories and the fact they refused to answer questions about whether they'd heard the murders being planned would be pretty damning.


They think it seems fucked-up to arrest people because they are striking. There used to be a law against that actually.


Lawyers are there to help them navigate the law, not to have opinions about what it ought to be. Lawyers recommend that maybe they refuse to answer questions and deter their friends from murdering any cops and then strike to their heart's content.


One of the generals drops by Maitimo's office.


He'd be delighted to see him.


The general has a seat. "Got a sad grandkid in lockup," he says. "Scabs arrested her for striking, she thinks they might be listening to her make phone calls, I had to piece things together."


"People murdered a bunch of cops, we know perfectly well there are a whole lot of people planning a copycat crime, don't have much choice about whether to take that seriously. I can't ask our police officers to go out there and keep our cities safe if I'm not lifting a finger to do something about the people I know are planning to shoot them in the back."


"And you know this because of psychic powers? Or you know this because they were waving signs about not wanting to be amateur videographers?"


"Do you think I'm wrong? We'll send them home by end of the week because they haven't committed any crimes and their lawyers are advising them not to help us prevent one. Are our cops going to get gunned down over the weekend or not? If you think I'm wrong that's one thing. If you agree on the problem but don't approve of how we approached it - I don't either. But I won't let the people keeping our streets safe die for it. Help me come up with a better way to protect them."


"I think you arrested a lot of loyal cops who don't like being pushed around and were expressing that in a legal way, and maybe you got a few bad eggs in there but you also got a bunch of people you're going to nail for conspiracy if they give their buddies the benefit of the doubt and any of those buddies didn't deserve it. Are you going to solve every problem you have with immigrants? You want Calador folks to stay home and raise appeasement kids and do nothing in our own country?"


"I want Calado's people to do everything you've always done plus build starships. I also want them to expect that when they call the police saying that their ex is screaming and beating down the door, it won't take us an hour to have someone on the scene."

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