instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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He can find the account associated with that name from the administrator's records. "I just sent you four hundred. Please go find someone who can talk to us?"


"Um." He takes this as permission to leave, tentatively gets out of the chair.


Colse runs away.

Three hours later a different red comes up the tunnel.


Maitimo has done lots of things in the interim and doesn't mind the delay.


"Um, hello," she says. "- I'm Rindeya."


"Thank you very much for coming. I'm Maitimo."


"Uh, Colse wasn't exactly clear on what had happened besides that he got generous severance pay."


"I asked him why we weren't getting any real complaints, he unconvincingly said it was because there was nothing to complain about, I asked what exactly you were all scared of and if people'd threatened you if you reported problems and how we could reassure you and, uh, he just kind of whimpered a lot and eventually I asked if you were all specifically threatened with harm if you spoke in full sentences. That - wasn't really the kindest way to make the point. I'm sorry."


"...I'll let him know."


"But it would be tremendously valuable to talk to someone who is able to answer our questions."


"That makes sense."


"Are you afraid people who come here with real concerns or problems will get hurt?"


"Or the people the concerns are about maybe."


" - that makes sense for intracommunity concerns, like you might not tell us that someone is mentally ill or that someone beats their wife or that someone is skipping decontamination procedures. But lots of the things the other castes come to us with are things like - they're not sure if some wage law applies to them or the police officers in their community are drunk on the job sometimes or they need housing assistance or they need a closer prenatal clinic or the utilities go out too often. Are you afraid of retaliation if you have questions like that?"




"Are you afraid we will get angry you asked those things, or are you afraid someone else will get upset if we try to make them happen?"




"Someone else in particular?"


"- depends on the thing? The cops, the employers, whoever you assigned to help us with whatever thing -"


" - thank you. That's really helpful. So to get real complaints from the red community, we need to demonstrate that we can fix things discreetly without upsetting anyone? Change a police procedure without saying it's for your sake, audit a company without saying it's because they're defrauding you, make sure the allocations for schools or clinics aren't announced publicly so people can get offended by them -"


"...might help."


"It's, uh, hard to demonstrate that without any complaints to work off in the first place."




"Do you have suggestions for how we could maybe handle that?"

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