instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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"I want to know why you are upset about the constituent support office! We are doing something wrong but we have no idea what it is!"


"I - I -" He might cry again. "Why is this happening what do you want -"


" - we want you to be happy! And not terrified and miserable!"





"Uh. If you don't need anything you can go."


He flees.



She writes up a report about this. She is so confused. Then she goes to help with the purple constituent services desk because purples make sense and want things like to get a wage law waiver or to report their sister-in-law for skipping out on two months' rent with the microwave and jewelry box or to complain about the trains.


They do! That is what purples want!

Meanwhile, blues want Teleri to come back with them to Amenta and provide a non-Noldo option to countries that are currently accommodating the Noldo violent conquest habit out of desperation for ships.


Teleri don't know anything about lightleapers themselves but their neighbor's brother-in-law works at the spaceport they think and he knows a guy. 


The guy is sunbathing nude and hears out their pitch. "Huh. Yeah, okay, I guess that'd be a decent thing to do. Is there a nice place to stay while we're there? The Noldor said everything was hideous and everyone threatened them with weapons or menaced random civilians in their presence, I think that'd get to me after a bit and it takes forever to teach everything you need for lightleapers."


"It's possible the Noldor have stolen my vacation house in Voa and all the offshore accounts but if they haven't I can put up people in my house and extras in hotels."


"I will ask people if they're interested!" says nude sunbathing dude. And a while later - "Hmm. I could probably get enough people that we could collectively explain it, but most of them have kids and don't want to go to Amenta for the next couple years, miss their kids. Could people who want to learn maybe come here instead?"


"No, because they don't have spaceships there, we don't have lines of communication with them from here, and we want to go home sooner than that."


" - so, if we get you all a spaceship and a flight crew, then you can go back and also tell them that they're welcome to come here and learn about lightleapers?"


"- that will probably suffice."


"Okay! I don't work with crew and launch scheduling but I know the girl -" and they are directed to someone wearing only a pretty much transparent pair of silk trousers and making potato fried pancakes at the pier.


He explains the situation to her too.


Sure! Can they pay the crew, she can get them a crew much faster if they can pay the crew compared to if she has to find people who'll do a free run.


It is, again, possible that the Noldor have stolen all their shit, but otherwise they can pull together some cash. It'd be Amentan cash though. Because they are Amentans who were unjustly kidnapped out of their beds at night and brought to Valinor tied up against their will and dumped among cheesemongers.


Potato pancake frying girl is very sympathetic, though she mentions with a frown, after that last bit, that's she's been to Herenehton and it's a very good place to find oneself, really, with intelligent and lovely people.


Oh, it was perfectly nice, but they didn't choose to live among cheesemongers, they were just sort of disposed of there.


Well she's glad they caught a train to somewhere that suits them better. How should she let them know once she's found them a maybe-you'll-get-paid-in-Amentan-money flight crew?


They have set up local email addresses.


She promises to email! "Could be a couple weeks, depends how quickly people get back to me and whether I can give them their pick of launch dates."


"We weren't given time to pack and aren't making commitments here, we can leave whenever as long as it's soon."


"All right! Potato pancake?"

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