instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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A frustrated Elf administrator grumbles at the social worker about how maybe they could fire the reds and import some.



...what else would he do? He might expel the Noldorin royal family from Valimar on the grounds that they are disruptive forces, the cheesemongers suppose.


They can definitely fire the reds and import some, is that what she should tell them will happen?


Aren't the Vanyar the slightest bit worried that the Noldor have been carrying out wars of conquest.


This administrator doesn't have that authority but they can say he'll recommend it to the prince. 



...why should they be worried?


The social worker goes off. A red creeps through the tunnel and waits at the end of it.


In case they decide to conquer more people, like the Vanyar themselves or people they like more than they apparently are inclined to like Calado. The singing is clearly kindly meant and this is the cushiest prison ever but still.


There is a person on duty! They are so delighted that a red finally came. "Hi! How can I help you?"


Oh, this is Valinor, conquering is not allowed in Valinor. 


The red bursts into tears.


So they don't care if the Noldor go conquer people as long as those people don't live here?!


...the administrator is so confused. "Is something wrong? What's wrong? Do you need help?"



Of course they care!! It's horrible! They just aren't sure what they are supposed to do about it, beyond diplomatic threats and expulsions from summits and so on!


The red manages to say through all the sobbing, "P-please don't hurt us!"


Well what would they do about it if they started conquering people on VALINOR then.


Administrator is completely horrified. "- of course? Of course we're not going to hurt you - this is the constituent support office, are you - lost or something -"


Uh they can't, that's not allowed.


"Th-they said that if we didn't send somebody we'd all be replaced with reds f-from other countries s-so I came -"


Not allowed how. What would they do about it.


" - uh? I can - ask them about that -" Maitimo are we replacing the reds?

        Replacing them? With what? No -

" - we're not going to replace you, it's okay, I'm really glad you came though, we've been trying so hard to figure out why you wouldn't come -"



Oh, the Valar would rewrite their brains to have no desire to do anything that harms other people, ever again.


The red gets his sniffling under control.


...the blues were not expecting that answer but do wonder why they are allowed to conquer people on other planets. And then, uh, store them in a location they don't want to be where brain-rewriting is a thing.


Administrator frets. "We can't come visit and talk to you in person because we're aliens and the decontamination thing doesn't work, so we have no idea what you need or what we should do for you, and the social workers are so confusing -"




Uh, they're super not allowed to hold prisoners in Valinor. The blues are free to leave. They are allowed to do whatever everywhere else because the Valar can't exactly police the entire universe. It's sort of a balance thing - people who think living under the Valar is a good tradeoff can do that and people who don't can do not-that. 




The blues are not meaningfully free to leave. They physically can't without apparently going and getting ships built. They wanted to be in Calado, and now there are a bajillion miles of vacuum between them and Calado through no fault of their own, and do the Vanyar not understand that not being technically forbidden to construct spaceships is not sufficient to make them not meaningfully trapped on this planet where they don't want to be?


Can she get him anything.



The Vanyar do not understand that. If they wanted to leave they would go and have spaceships built. Why do they want to be in Calado, maybe the nice things about Calado can be replicated here?


"No - maybe? I don't know - what do you want -"


In Calado they ruled a country! The Vanyar are from here, it's less coercive for it to be hard to leave, but imagine if somebody dragged them out of bed in the middle of the night and hauled them to another planet and dropped them there.


" - I am the red constituent services person. It is my job to solve problems for you - people come in with, like, there was a kitchen fire and they lost their identification papers, or they're about to be evicted with a new baby are they eligible for any housing assistance, or they were the victim of a crime and they think the police are dragging their feet can we help them figure out their next steps -"



They would find that distressing but mostly because they'd miss their families and their goats. The blues can set up their own country here, if that will make them happy!


"- do you need to see my ID, I didn't know I had to bring it -"


Calado was home they want to go home.


 "If you have it I can use it, but I can look you up anyway off your name or ID number."



The Vanyar are very sorry that getting home is so inconvenient. And still not clear on what happens once they do it.


"You need to look me up?"


They will figure that out when they get there they don't even know what the Noldor are DOING to their country.


"I make a record of who stopped by, what they needed, what we did for them, whether there's followup required. We use it for, like, if lots of people are coming to us having gotten evicted then we need better housing policy, if lots of crimes aren't getting handled appropriately then we need to retrain the police, that kind of thing."



Cheesemongers suggest that maybe they could email the Noldor and ask.


The red looks confused.


They don't want to tip them off. Also it seems unlikely that the same ones doing things to their country are also answering email on Valinor.


" - you did hear there was a coup, right?"



The Vanyar are pretty sure it's Prince Nelyafinwë doing things to their country and his clerical team famously answers emails in under five minutes no matter who they are from or what they're about or when they are sent. Maybe, to avoid tipping them off, one of the Vanyar could write and inquire?


"Yes we read on the internet that the military performed a coup and installed some aliens instead of the blues."


That would be nice of them.


"What parts are confusing you?"



The Vanyar write Prince Nelyafinwë's office inquring what is being done with Calado. They get a response in three minutes. It says 'Thanks for your inquiry. We're currently running Calado after the military coup. We're funding a space exploration and lightleaper development program, testing a few approaches to universal healthcare, restoring constituent services that were disrupted by the coup, and negotiating lightleaper agreements with Amenta's other countries. I've attached policy papers expanding on what we're trying to achieve and how we'll be accountable for those goals.'

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