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instead of Tapa having the prettiest buildings, Calado does
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The international community is alarmed. They had probably better... not... make agreements with Elves? Is that the idea? Because otherwise they will be conquered if anything goes even slightly wrong?


They should not make agreements with Elves while never remotely intending to follow through on them, and if they do do that and then blatantly cheat the terms of the agreement they should acknowledge such instead of shooting random scapegoats who obviously had nothing to do with it, and if they do that they should expect that the Elves will leave, and if their populace would much rather be rid of them than rid of the Elves then they might have a problem. Provocation that was previously insufficient to motivate Elves to conquer anybody: threatening them, imprisoning them, having violent security clashes over them in the streets, preventing them from travelling freely, running your country horribly, incompetence, malfeasance, corruption, etcetera. They are happy to talk with anybody who might want starships about what kind of agreements they should avoid dishonestly entering into and then immediately betraying.


(Workplace safety and wage laws: should exist! Defense attorneys: should exist! Criminal court appeals: should exist! Elves would like there to be no extrajudicial executions at all, what do the cops need to make that happen. Elves are tearing down the capitol building to build a prettier one. Elves are building a national council on worker protections and would like each caste to elect two representatives to it. Elves are building a national council on space colonization and same.)


...most countries decide they will talk to the Elves. Did they decide they didn't like the previous ambassadors, do they need to get new ones?

Some companies are annoyed about the workplace and wage laws. Some of them fire a lot of people, how do the Elves like that. The cops will need people to stop resisting arrest. Architectural historians mourn the building. There aren't really procedures for castes to vote separately on things but a green figures out how to derive it mathematically from the weightings and presently there are two representatives each in green, yellow, grey, orange, and purple.


And the reds, say the Elves, they can videoconference in. The Elves like the previous ambassadors fine if the previous ambassadors would like to return. 


Elves are pragmatic about companies firing people because there are now workplace and wage laws; that is kind of how that works. If people who are fired would like to work in architecture or shipping or construction there is so much construction needed! All of the blue district is getting torn down and rebuilt prettier. Architectural historians can get pictures first if they want. If they would like to work in programming or retail or academia there are openings in Valinor. If they would like to work in manufacturing there are factories going up to build precursors to lightleapers.


The blues get leapt. The blues get put on shuttles. The shuttles land in a dazzling mountain valley with more goats than Elves, and a few new pretty skyscrapers to house blues in.


Oh, reds can't vote.

Some previous ambassadors return; others are replaced. (The one from Tapa comes back.) The labor market sloshes around.

The blues are miserable and afraid and this makes it hard to be dazzled.


Can't vote like there's no mechanism to let them?

Ambassadors are welcome! Elves will give anybody lessons towards lightleapers on the same conditions they offered Calado. It's fine to negotiate the conditions or later tell Elves you're pulling out of the agreement, and things do happen, but do not arrange elaborate conspiracies to make it look like you're complying while making absolutely no real effort to comply, and if you are called out on doing that don't shoot innocent people and claim that this fixed the problem, okay?

Councils meet! Elves describe things that are in progress and invite suggestions and critique and reallocations of resources.


Elves come to meet the blues. They have golden hair and it transpires that they all work in the artisanal cheese industry. This is the artisanal cheese capital of the world, and it's also conveniently in Estë's domain rendering it nearly impossible for anyone here to be seriously injured, the Noldor thought it'd be a good place to put these people whose traits, beyond 'got into a spat with the Noldor', the golden-haired Elves are unclear on. Anyway the refugees have the sympathies of the golden-haired Elves! The Noldor are so dramatic, aren't they?


No mechanism, not allowed, ignore them.

They're going to have to clarify the military aggression part. They would also like to know how they came by their opinion of Calado's conspiracy and cover.

Representatives are nervous but have things to say.

...there are kinds of Elves? Well, the other kind of Elves kidnapped them and some of their relatives and employees died and they were tied up in a ship for days and now they are far from home being held hostage by cheesemongers, that seems a little more of a problem than "dramatic". What are the yellow Elves going to do about that.


Elves design the new palace with a tunnel so reds can come to a red constituent resource office without touching anything they're not supposed to touch. They can talk to them once that's built.

Maitimo has meticulously documented efforts made by Calado to let foreign students know they were allowed to attend lightleaper talks (zero) and the recruitment of the 'foreign' students. If anyone has happened to find evidence on miscellaneous computers that Calado was also not planning compliance with the other terms, he'll forward that also. 

Representatives are taken very seriously and proposals diligently modified. 


The cheesemongers are not holding them hostage. They can leave if they would like. There's housing and food and work for them here, though, if they want to stay. The cheesemongers will sing a terribly sad song for the dead people. Someone goes and looks up communications with the Noldor and communicates that the Noldor were angry to learn Calado had betrayed the terms of the lightleapers agreement and have decided the only way they can get Calado lightleapers is without any blues. 


No reds come through the tunnel.


The blues want to go home, they do not want to make cheese.


Elves tell the red liaison social workers that they're frustrated reds won't visit their constituent support office like they're supposed to, what's the problem there?


The Vanyar think if the blues go over to Alqualondë they could build themselves a lightleaper.


The social worker explains how they can place a work order if they need reds to come take things away or fix toilets.

The blues point out that it apparently takes years of physics lessons to do that even if you generally know how to build things and they want to go home immediately.


No, they want reds to come to the constituent support office to talk about the needs of the red community, that's what the constituent support offices are for.


The Vanyar think there are people in Alqualondë who know how to do it in less than years. They're not sure, though, they're cheesemongers. Uh, if their country has been conquered what are they imagining will happen once they get home?


The social workers think that's weird.

They were thinking they'd set up a government in exile maybe or recruit allies to conquer it back.


The Elves would like it to happen anyway. 


Cheesemongers have no opinion about this. If they want to try it that's their lookout. Do they want local computers explained to them so they can research how to get to Alqualondë from here? Do they want a change of clothes? Do they want some cheese.


The social workers can't help them with that.

...some of the blues will accept cheese. More of them will accept computer tutorials and clothes.


The social workers can tell the reds to use their constituent support office. If they can't do that the Elves will hire social workers who can do that.


Great! And apartments to rest and shower and so forth while planning? (Tiny Elf children watch curiously).


The social workers say that they have done this. Reds do not come.

...sure, apartments. Why are the Vanyar being the Noldor's repository for kidnapped people.


The social workers are fired. Elves are hiring social workers for the red districts. 


The Noldor said that they had gotten themselves into a foreign war and there were lots of people who would be in need. The Vanyar are not up on current events but they think their King sent a sternly worded letter scolding the Noldor for this behavior, and then he asked if the cheesemongers could take people in need, and the cheesemongers could totally manage that so they said, yes, we'll just need help building apartments for them, and Estë copied a few buildings from Valimar for them and then they were all set! Tiny Elf children nod solemnly.


The social workers are upset! They don't have very many applicants to replace them, not enough to replace all of them even if they take every one.


They got themselves into a completely optional foreign war that they started. By kidnapping all these blues, most of whom weren't even involved with the thing that set them off. A sternly worded letter is not going to make them stop doing things like that. The cheesemongers are being nice and everything but really the Noldor should not be able to offload the inconvenience of taking prisoners.


Then Elves can be the rest of the social workers. New Elf social workers head cheerily off to the red districts.


If the Noldor couldn't conveniently take prisoners they might just kill people, which is even more convenient. If the blues have suggestions on how to make them stop getting into optional foreign wars these random cheesemongers who have absolutely no power to do anything about it will politely listen. Maybe they could take their petition to the King of the Vanyar.


Their advisors strongly advise against Elves going to the red districts. It is a bad idea and they may not know how to decontaminate properly.


They did kill people! Several of them were seen dead and others are missing and they were trapped in a ship for five days and have nothing but the clothes they were wearing and what they have gotten from these Vanyar and their country has been stolen and their children are frightened and the cheesemongers are not treating this with the gravity it deserves!


Is it hard to do right?



The cheesemongers think it sounds absolutely horrible! If the poor blues want hugs and sympathy and massages and hot sandwiches they will absolutely supply! They thought the blues just said they shouldn't be supplying comfort to people the Noldor randomly kidnapped and terrorized, because that was offloading inconvenience? 


It's very complicated and time-consuming and did they notice the social workers mostly have short hair, the shampoo will totally fry hair.


They should not have offered to house them, having already made that mistake they can be nice. They want to go home and not be conquered.


...okay Elves will not be social workers. Those districts can just get by without social workers until more apply. The social workers in the other districts are very emphatically told to figure out why reds aren't showing up to their constituent support office. 


The Vanyar will murmur sympathetically and show them the computers and bring them meals and assign them apartments and sing sadly about dead people and ask if they need anything else. 


The social workers want to know what will happen to the reds if they don't show up?


Is petitioning the King likely to work or will he just write a stern letter.

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