andalite Elves land in Amenta
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Luckily they can repurpose all the access space that the reds were using?


Only if they pay to clean it.


She will look into getting them subsidies. What does Calado's budget look like.


They pay their military and police pensions; there's a lot of that. A lot of money disappears into various private charity. There's the fire department. They pay the senators a lot.


Do some of those private charities fund hospitals and nursing homes?





She can't order an audit of foreign charities while she's there advising their red transition. She focuses on the red transition. Not that many of them left now. She should go home and kiss the ruling council. 


And eventually Calado is red-free!


Yay! The following long list of people get to talk to Matirin. Isel wants to spend the next month in a hot tub.


There are hot tubs in Anitam. There are also other countries clamoring for help. Has she considered training people.


She should totally train people are there any young blues and yellows who want to interview and maybe shadow her on the next place and see if they can pick up the skillset. 


Interviews will happen from her hot tub.


She makes good money. There are people interested.


She perfects an interview talk. "The secret is that you have to actually sincerely want all the reds to make it safe. All of them. It has to feel like a personal failure when anything happens to any of them. If you're tempted to write off five or ten here or there because it's not worth making a fuss and being embarrassing, they can tell the difference, and they get scared and then if anything goes unluckily you get a riot. The job qualification is literally sincerely wanting all the reds to be safe. You either can do that or you can't."


"How do they tell?" a yellow asks.


" - some mentally ill purple in Calado hugged a bunch of reds so they'd be arrested instead of going to Miolee. What would you do if that happened?"


"...make sure the crazy purple got help I guess?"


"Uh huh. And then?"


"Assuming the reds weren't like, yeah, hug me, woo, they shouldn't be kept out of Miolee for it, they're going to be all huggable soon enough."


"Calado says they're guilty of pollution violations, sorry, there's nothing in the law about 'it wasn't actually their fault'."


"...I'm not sure what you do about that in a consultant capacity."


"Called every blue who'd at any point in the project offered to be helpful or claimed they were being helpful, said blah blah diplomacy send them the fuck to Miolee until someone did. That's how the reds tell. That's a lot of hassle over three people, but they were three innocent people and they write their families and post about it on the internet and the other ones go - okay, that's not something you do if you're in this to collect a consulting fee from the government, that's something you do if you actually want them to be safe."


"How do the three people know how many blues you called?"


"They know they got arrested, and that should have been it, no one has ever cared about their actual guilt or innocence and never will. And then they got to Miolee safely after all. And that means that someone bothered. They don't know whether it cost us a hundred favors or just one but they know that we thought it was worthwhile to call in favors for their lives. And nobody ever thinks that."




"Think you can do that?"

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