andalite Elves land in Amenta
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Compensation? Blue ex-reds? Prosecuting crimes against new clean citizens?


They will pay her. They would like to send all the cleaned up reds to Miolee, which used to be theirs to begin with.


Miolee okay taking them?


...they are committed to accepting clean reds who need a place to go but under ideal conditions they would get some money to home them with.


She sends Calado a bill for that and for consultant services and then she'd be delighted to go visit them.


That seems expensive.


They can probably pay for it by auctioning the red districts!


She's not going to insist that they have to let the reds keep them? Cene was originally going to do it that way too.


Well, if the reds aren't staying at all then owning the land doesn't do much for them. They could, instead of paying for Mioleen resettlement, let the reds keep their property and then auction it themselves. That way they don't have to pay anything, just let the property holders make normal property sales.


What if they didn't sell it though.


...okay, what if Isel buys all the red districts now, and then sells them once the reds are moved out, so there aren't reds awkwardly owning clean land and then she can square with Miolee after she sells it to Calado developers.


That suits Calado fine. It makes their reds nervous. She is informed that the senators are maniacs and will find some way to fuck it up at some point in that process.


...good to know. Okay. Isel buys the land and insures it with a reputable foreign investment company which will give Calado hell if they start stealing from foreign blues. The insurance is expensive because apparently the actuaries also think poorly of Calado's senators but financial losses are not really the point here. Are the reds similarly concerned that the senators will find a way to fuck up the transition itself.




Is Calado doing standard decontamination or Andalite decontamination.


Standard. They don't want to have to wait for him to be done in Voa.


Their own facilities? Can she check out the facilities?


They were hoping for Miolee's. Since they're sending 'em to Miolee.


How are they getting them there?


They can drive to the border in their various unclean vehicles and walk the rest of the way it's right there.


...can Miolee do trucks at the border with layered interiors for moving contaminated peoples?


Uh yes as long as they don't all come at once.


No, she thinks the right approach here is really small slivers so that at no point does the government have anything to gain from suddenly deciding to be stupid, not that this is guaranteed to stop them from being stupid. 


Since local reds are worried about their government being Real Stupid she tentatively suggests they start by sending the children and elderly people, now or early in the training of replacements, how do they feel about that.


What about the children's parents are they just going with their great-great-great-grandparents or what.


Uh, if they want to figure out a skeleton crew of people to maintain essential services during transition without separating children from their parents she will definitely work with that but she was assuming sending all children and parents would not leave enough people to train replacements and do services. 

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