andalite Elves land in Amenta
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Reds can get decontaminated.


Cene is pretty big but the facility is very efficient.


And he can read and review manufacturing progress and people-watch while he works so it's only a bit tedious.


The people are very watchable! They chat and shepherd children and talk about what they want to do clean and make jokes at the expense of the replacements they've been training.

And then Cene is done.


Congratulations Cene!


They can send some people over to Anitam for a starships talk!


Oh good!

There is some squabbling over who gets Isel next.


They can send applications on which they answer 1) whether they're willing to prosecute crimes against new clean citizens 2) whether they're willing to let the real estate owners go blue 3) whether they will pay her quite a lot of money (this is an easier sell than 'pay her expenses in sorting out red problems while she's there', for some reason) and then she'll go to whoever looks best equipped to set her up for a successful transition. 


Voa wins. (Tapa's fine with its previous process, which continues steadily and carefully.)


Voan reds get an anonymous feedback form and an explanation that she's here to help get them all decontaminated and resettled at a pace that feels comfortable for them and keeps them safe.


Gosh. That's very nice of her.


.At this point she finds it personally embarrassing that everyone else is so bad at it. What do they need accomplished to be comfortable in the short run while they come up with a decontamination plan?


They want similar things to most reds, although they seem on the whole to have higher baseline happiness.


She writes Aitim that she thinks 'first kid free' would be a super popular and also pretty good policy. Maybe even 'first two kids free' what with space travel to anticipate. She solves miscellaneous problems. Is Voa copying Cene on the procedural side. Is Voa letting anyone go blue.


They'd like to supplement with some conventional decontamination in parallel - they're big and morph is fast but the box is a bottleneck. They are cautiously willing to allow a small number of blues if and only if they can find blue families to marry into.


Great. Are there current blues who'd like some real estate holdings and want to be matched to potential candidates for blueing?


Responses include 1) only if they morph really hot, 2) maybe but if I do that my grandma will cut me off, 3) do I get a third child award for it somehow? 4) I bet reds are not jerks like blues of insert relevant sex are, they're probably very subservient and sweet, right, 5) yes but we won't be having any sex, 6) maybe if it's a LOT of real estate, 7) yes I have been secretly in love with my garbageman from afar for three seasons now what do you mean he's married already, 8) if they meet this exhausting list of criteria.


Voan reds, if you wanna be blue here are your candidates.


Wow, why are blues like that.


In partial defense of blues most of them were probably just like 'no I don't think that'd work for me' and those ones she doesn't have messages from. But yeah. Sorry.


A few of them manage to agree with relevant blues on what "really hot" means. Somebody takes up #5 on his offer. Somebody scrapes together enough space for #6. One person manages to pass a #8-style list.

Somebody tells Isel that she doesn't particularly mind being subservient and sweet per se if that's #4's kink but if that's code for 'also I am planning to smack around my wife and belittle her in front of people' is there an exit strategy? What if it turns into that post-kids?


...Isel's friends who keep track of these things actually think pretty highly of Voa's court system but it's proooobably not actually good enough to handle 'Real Blue abusing Technical Blue Who's Kinda Red You Know'. If she keeps the land in her own name she would definitely not be impeded in leaving him and moving into it. Isel's also not going to vouch for Voan courts on handling of custody.


Is Aitim free to meet the guy and be uncannily good at guessing whether this'll be a problem.


"I can visit you and go to parties. I, uh, confess confusion about how you pick your priorities, on the work you do -"


" - it's - I guess maybe pushing invisibly a lot for some reform to red payment procedures helps them more, but it doesn't feel like having someone on your side the same way, and I think what actually reassures them isn't anything about objective material conditions, it's feeling like in whatever circles their fates are getting decided there's someone who is theirs. You go ahead and figure out policy adjustments to help them, my thing is working for them."


"Sure, I'll come to parties in Voa."

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