andalite Elves land in Amenta
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"We expect a casualty rate. If our troops die at a rate indicating that we're not making any progress we might want to consider falling back to more of an industrial support role, but that would be strategically advisable anyway. Our interest is principally the planets, of course, but even the opportunity to explore for empty ones on our own would be worth an enormous outlay of resources."


<If they anticipate that they could deter you by destroying the planets they are more likely to do it, so it may be wise to commit your resources in a fashion that is observably-to-any-troops-they-might-enslave not dependent on that.>


"Of course."


<If they surrender? I - understand your species to have a fraught relationship with people you consider unclean and disgusting, and Yeerks probably qualify.>


"I'd leave that to the theologians, but it's possible Yeerks are in fact just inherently unclean. Were you planning to accept surrender?"


<They're harmless in their pools. We're besieging their home planet rather than destroying it. If it were credible and logistically convenient we'd accept surrender. Better incentives.>


"We'll need to discuss the disposition of their other planets, in that eventuality."


<I think we could arrange to relocate them all to the homeworld if they surrendered; no reason to give them more than that.>


"That shouldn't be a problem."


<If some of the planets have surviving native species who can be freed from their Yeerks?>


"Is this likely to apply to more than a few planets? We would be very nearly as enthusiastic about a single habitable planet."


<At least five come to mind where this would certainly be no concern.>


"Then this doesn't substantially affect our interest in this alliance."


Tail-nod. <I don't anticipate the Andalite High Command approving-in-retrospect large-scale sharing of military technology, but I am confident they will honor alliances that followed from it. They'll probably appoint someone as your liaison who thinks we should have kept the secrets. I presume that won't be too much of a problem.>


"We're familiar with diplomacy."


<There are societies in which it'd be a grave insult of some kind, and others where it'd at least damage public enthusiasm about the alliance. If you're confident it will be handled then that's very reassuring.>


"If they're planning to go on international television and say 'we are of the opinion that you should have stayed trapped on your rock desperately suppressing all your natural inclinations to avoid eternal war for land', then we may have a public enthusiasm problem."


Swish. <No, just 'well it worked out great but the laws on sharing military secrets don't have a 'unless it worked out great' provision.>


"We might want to coach them before they go on television. Not a serious constraint."


<It is unclear to me how relevant public opinion even is but I am glad to hear that.>


"It affects things. A lot of positions are democratically elected."


<Well, don't build any public relations campaigns off fondness for us personally and I am sure they will be graceful and likable allies.>




<We asked the Mioleen emissaries if there were - particular acts of war that were especially unacceptable here. It was not their background and they had only vague ideas.>


"Some of them wouldn't apply with aliens very much - ah, using non-greys in combat positions is forbidden because it allows sudden unanticipable multiplication of force and things can get ugly with unsuited soldiers on the field. The same problem applies to drafting a conquered people - in any capacity - shortly after achieving control of their area. Rape by occupying force. Perfidy, which includes violating truce terms, feigning noncombatant status, pretending to be a member of the Unaligned Orange League, that sort of thing."

Total: 1974
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