Makel's alts are very ashamed of him
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Have you encountered any troubles while here?


"Apart from the difficulties inherent in appearing as we did, no, we have found those we landed among friendly and generous."


I hope that you can be reunited swiftly with your loved ones.


"Thank you very much. Is there anything else we should know?"


"I appreciate your taking the time to speak with me."


Of course.


Waves turn back into waves. Shasali is kneeling in the water.


She gets up and wrings out her dress as best she can and goes back to the lake.


Get anywhere?


I think so but I can't be certain.


The Valar are a bit - slow even when they're moving in the right direction.


Should I have impressed upon him the value of haste -? I want Imeles to have a normal spring with people of our species that he isn't related to around, and if we're still here then -


I understand. Do wizards do, they could practically be the same species if they colored their hair -


I somehow do not think it will help if he goes through his spring pining for Cousin Aitim's alternate universe girlfriend, however conveniently unrelated she may be.


It might be worth impressing the concept of urgency on the Valar. It never sticks but maybe it helps a bit.


Will it be badly irregular if I just turn right back around to go "one more thing" -


He might not show up for three weeks but wouldn't take offense I don't think.


She turns around.


He doesn't show up for two weeks.


She is very tired of every single song she knows by then but still smiles when he arrives and thanks him for coming and apologizes for the repeat request.


He talked with the Valar and they don't really want to come all the way to Beleriand they haven't left Valinor in ages and like it better.


She is glad to have an update on the situation. Would coming to Beleriand be necessary or would it be possible to put some kind of doorway in the ocean, outside of the area protected as Valian border where they aren't supposed to sail, of course? Time may be important; her species has some biological variation based on the seasons and the seasons in Endorë are too short to work correctly and some of the children are approaching an age at which this is particularly sensitive.


Ulmo can inquire about ocean portals!


If that wouldn't work possibly magic items of some kind could be conveyed out of Valinor to them, this seems consistent with her knowledge of the magic system but she may be mistaken.


For some things maybe but targeting for interdimensional portals would be very hard.

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