Makel's alts are very ashamed of him
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"I mean more are we likely to make negative progress that would be difficult for anyone else to undo."


"I do not expect you in particular to do that, no."


"- what would doing so look like -"


"Uh, convincing him that non-Doomed non-mortals here are effectively under the leadership of the persons the Valar are mad at or alternate universe versions of those persons, making it sound like you think interdimensional visitors are entitled to divine assistance getting home just because they could, all assembled, probably do it, don't push the homosexuality thing -"


"Should I not mention the identity of Inlad's alt?"


"I think we can be open about what's going on without implying you all answer to Fëanorians one way or another - as I understand Anitam's interesting system of government it's not even true -"


"It's not, but I'm not sure to what extent personal entanglement qualifies."


"I am not against using the fact the Valar don't understand incarnates to our advantage."


"Should I bring someone along to make sure I don't encounter any pitfalls not covered in this summary -"


"I can have someone listen in if you'd like. - oh, Valar all have this space distortion effect and one finds oneself kneeling at their feet, they don't mean anything by it but I imagine to someone unaccustomed it'd be disconcerting -"


" distortion effect, I see. I'd appreciate the help."

And she goes to the sea.


Elves tell her to hang out and sing and eventually Ulmo might say hi.


...Shasali does not really sing very well but she can warble jingles and pop songs more or less.


And eventually there is a rushing sort of sound and the air pressure is funny and a wave approaches and then turns into a person.


"Hello," she says to the waveperson. "My name is Shasali Aven. My family and some of my husband's relatives were transported to this world without notice and I have come to ask if you know of any way we could travel home again. While this world is lovely and interesting we would all prefer not to live out our days trapped in it having vanished without word to our other loved ones."


The Elves sent an emissary with the same question. I do not have the means to get you home. 


"I understand. We were wondering if the other Valar severally or more than one of you jointly might have the ability; we were advised against going to Valinor to ask."


The existence of other worlds was previously unknown to us but if there are mechanisms of accidental travel between them it seems like that we could together develop the means to reverse them.


"I would, and I know that others caught in the event would, very much appreciate the ability to return to our lives. Is there anything we could do to make that a more appealing use of your time?"


These appearances have all taken place in lands where we are not welcome or particularly equipped to operate, Eru's will with respect to them is unclear, and we are concerned about - inviting the deliberate attention of some of the locales from which our visitors have arrived. - take your world, for example. Might some nation be inspired to settle Endorë? 


"I am confident that we could keep the exact nature of our adventure a secret. Fortunately, we recently began to colonize other planets accessible by space travel and no one would if they found out feel that they were passing up an inestimable, irreplaceable treasure in declining to follow up if ever they did learn of it."


The Valar will consider it.


"Thank you. Are there more details I could provide to make the consideration smoother?"


Will you want to go back and forth or just return and remain absent? Will anyone want to come with you who did not arrive with you?


"While we would enjoy ongoing contact with this and the other worlds if that were reasonably convenient we would feel very fortunate even to receive only a one-way return trip. I am not aware of anyone who desires to move into my or the other two represented foreign worlds permanently but would not necessarily have been apprised."

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