"The Watcher's Council needs to be disbanded. Or maybe just reorged, but that actually sounds harder, considering the 'punch things' skillset."
"Yeah. Alas, I know of no mystical artifact that would make you supernaturally good at politics."
"With potential ethical implications depending on how it made you supernaturally good at politics, I suppose."
"If it mind-controls nearby political actors it is not 'making me good at politics', per se."
"Well, arguably. And it could just deliver you everyone's juiciest blackmail material, thus making you much better at politics than someone who has to rely on mere ordinary spies for that sort of thing."
Snort. "That's not a skill! I wouldn't say someone who, say, has enough money to buy fourteen US senators was 'good at politics', either."
"Yes, but not in a skill way. It's like cheating on a math test and then claiming to be good at math."
"I could certainly imagine something in the mind-control-and-blackmail genre being known as an artifact of political skill."
"Because on the one hand it doesn't seem like you'd mind, you have reportedly tortured a guy to death and he might have deserved the death but not the torture, and it would make my solution to this idiot puzzle a little more unassailably what my testers have in mind. On the other hand, fuck my testers with a cello. And you might be able to lead an otherwise harmless life considering that your choice of torturing-to-death target was so personal in nature."
"I am not at all motivated to torture anyone else to death. Without the personal connection it just sounds tedious."
"The risk there would be that you are having me on - unlikely, considering, I think - or that you develop other antagonistic personal connections while going about your business."
"And I have no particular evidence against, but the torture is really the sticking point here. Vampires clearly have higher reasoning faculties even if most of 'em don't use them, and I kill them all the time just because they're so darned antisocial, but I do not torture them."
"I realize this might not seem especially plausible a week out, but even the really antisocial vampires occasionally form new relationships."
He shrugs. "I don't deny it. But it's still not the same. I might very well find someone else to love, and they might very well be killed, and I might very well respond by killing the murderer, and granting all of the above I would probably not choose a maximally pleasant method, but that still doesn't hit the threshold for 'torture someone to death'."
"Mmhm. All of which adds up to me really not wanting to kill you. I mean, quite apart from your potential as a harmless vampire prostitute, you're good conversation."