May is rolling her way to the library. It's not icy - in point of fact it's summer - but she's got an unhappy ankle from tripping yesterday and it's an accessible library and it's downhill on the way there and Ren will pick her up after. So, rolling.
"I huddle up under Ebb's wing - there'd be room for you too, I bet - if it's a short downpour. Longer than that and we'd find or build a shelter. If we were out on something serious we'd have brought a tent, but it's hard to carry one that'll fit us all, and these hills are nice for packing light in. Good forage, not much rain."
"This time of year, plenty of nuts and berries for you plant-munching folk, a reasonable supply of moths and crickets for me and Snowfall - Ebb ate last week, she's fine - if Starlight's lucky we'll catch a rabbit, otherwise it's crickets for him too - if we're feeling leisurely we roast the crickets. I don't mind rabbit myself if it's going spare, but wild-caught roast cricket, that's my favourite."
"Mostly the latter. It's easy enough to tell rat-folk from plain rats if you get a good look, but out hunting, peckish and in a hurry... I have a cousin who got in a fight that way once. Bit the wrong frog and 'watch where you're going, mister!' He hasn't touched an amphibian since, even though they're not normally ambiguous, you could go a whole lifetime without running into a surprise like that and most people do."
"Being diurnal, living in buildings, Starlight thought I looked southern when he first saw me..."