May is rolling her way to the library. It's not icy - in point of fact it's summer - but she's got an unhappy ankle from tripping yesterday and it's an accessible library and it's downhill on the way there and Ren will pick her up after. So, rolling.
"Off we go, then."
The flyers take off, Starlight in the lead, Snowfall clinging to Ebb, Charm following, Reflect bringing up the rear with wheelchair in hand. Button lopes after them. Her gait is very comfortable and does not present any imminent danger of ejecting her passenger.
There's - something about this place, an impression more easily clarified now that she's seen a little more of it. It seems... sharp, vivid, clear, unnaturally beautiful and at the same time utterly natural, like if 'reality' is a characteristic that comes in amounts, this place has more of it than Earth by a generous margin. Hard to see it when everything's dark like this, but the more her eyes adjust and the more of the landscape passes by, the more obvious it becomes.
Weird. It's like everything is a really sharp well-composed photograph or she's looking at it through a lens or something.
"That is awesome. There are ways at home for humans to fly but they're all really cumbersome and most of them are either dangerous or not properly fun at all."
"Snowfall liked making mine, if she gets to know you maybe she'll offer." Flap flap. There does not really seem to be enough solid substance in those wings for them to work - strands of barely-visible spiderweb bind together a skeletal array of feathers haloed by a soft silver glow - but nevertheless they are demonstrably functional. "Hungry yet? What do your folk eat?"
"Humans eat lots of things. So far none of the same species that are people here are things I eat, fortunately, I feel like that would be awkward. Bread and broccoli and cheese and rice and chocolate and potatoes and cabbage and apples and strawberries and certain species of mushrooms I could not confidently identify in the wild and eggs and a whole bunch of stuff."
"I know nothing about the Earthly growing climates of figs but that seems reasonable enough. About how much area is this world?"