This is one of those people who gets more powerful. At least she has to earn it in some sense.
"About a thousand miles east. There's transport available, but not much call for using powers while on one."
"Anybody want to accompany me so I'm not just carrying myself, and maybe point out useful stops?"
She (doesn't quite) land in Brockton Bay where her passengers direct. And fixes a pothole. "Can one of you introduce me to Panacea?"
The first thing Panacea notices is the lack of mask. "No secret identity? Hi, I'm Amy."
"No secret identity. I'm always working." (Kithabel was not without attention to the way Velocity asked questions.) "I'm Kithabel. Speaking of me always working, rumor has it you might be able to help me not sleep. I cannot overstate how valuable that would be."
I can help a bit, I can keep you going indefinitely physically, but you'd still get less attentive and alert at the usual rate.
If that'd help, Triumph mentioned clearing out hospital rooms in exchange?"
"You understand," nods Kithabel. "And yeah, I can heal. After a while I need to be doing other things, but I can still go through a lot of people and it's strictly better than sleep."
She extends a hand.
And, whispered, "You're not a parahuman at all?"
"I don't know whether to expect to be able to keep it or who'll care - show me some people I can heal while we talk?"
"It's like, when you're a cape information matters. Who you're up against, that kind of thing. Lots of capes hide exactly what they can do.
Not being a parahuman at all is obviously a big change from the norm, and I'd expect something that size to be kept secret. No idea who'd end up using it if they knew or how."
Heal heal heal healhealheal.
Panacea is oddly a bit conflicted about the mass healing going on, and not because she's being supplanted as the world's foremost healer, but she doesn't volunteer what she's thinking.
Once they trigger, they end up with some kind of specific power. Mine is healing, Triumph controls sound waves, Velocity speeds himself up. Some are more specific than others, but flight and healing would be really broad. If you were a parahuman."
"I can do other things. I have to; if all I did was fly and heal soon enough that would be all I could do anymore. Why can't you do brains? I could see if I could fix that."
And if you can change other people's powers, that's another completely unrelated power. What all can you do?"
"And you can do even more stuff if you keep doing different So you're the best healer in the world and also equally good at everything else. I think I'll just stop at 'wow.'"