...She should have been here first, damn, these people are slow as fuck.
Their goal here is to keep people from dying on the spot, which means plenty of minor and major injuries remaining untreated simply because there are worse ones. And it's still on the outer edge of the song's range, with many of the patients having recently been closer. It's not the most well-organized emergency room this world has to offer, either.
Well, Kithabel doesn't want to heal people all day every day because that would tank her general momentum in no time, but she can clear this room of injuries.
The recipients of the healing are less grateful than would probably be expected. As with most things, it's the Simurgh's fault. The doctors thank her for it; they're extremely shorthanded since so few volunteer to go to an Endbringer battle. Especially this Endbringer.
Even this far out, she's still seeing flashes every time she blinks of memories, particular sensations and annoyances, and whatever is most likely to keep her disoriented and uninhibited. It's probably not a good idea to go toward the monster again.
...She can just not blink, that's a thing.
Between the recently emptied emergency room and the fact that most other interesting things are closer to the monster, there might not be a huge number of useful things she can do.
She goes out and up to get a good view, and then a better, eagle-eyed view. She's got some range, she can put it to use without the armband now that she has an idea of the scope of the battlefield.
She can see the rough path the battle has followed by tracking the trail of collateral damage. Capes are buzzing around the angel, occasional flashes or impacts are visible from this distance, but how the fight is going in general is harder to tell.
Eventually it leaves. Flies away, pursued by the gold cape and the green one and taking a few last ranged attacks, and just like that it's over.
Kithabel tends to their wounded. Others with more information about the state of the original combat force can count their dead.
The temporary blockades get moved to reflect the area the song poisoned, and there are plans to replace them with permanent walls. They'll bring in capes who can create three-hundred-foot stone walls, and then everything that happened here will be out of sight and out of everyone's mind except the people who have to stand on the parapets. This is what passes for a victory.
Well, Kithabel can help with the walls. She can make castles; building walls is strictly easier. (Which is bad.)
And after that does anybody look like they have something else for her to do? That person who gave her the armband maybe?
There's collateral damage in places that weren't close enough for long enough to be condemned, if she's looking for things to do. This is typically even less immediate.
And some people, led by a blue-armored man with a visibly capitalized Halberd, suggest asking the person who can repair tinker devices to repair a tinker device. Apparently Endbringer attacks sometimes have targets, and this one was a Professor Haywire, now deceased. It was his technology that the Simurgh used to create a portal to wherever those monsters came from, and it might be valuable to find out where. Scion cut the device in two, but if Kithabel were to turn it on they'd be prepared for the dangers. No Endbringer taking their attention this time.
This is an unsurprisingly controversial suggestion.
Now, could Mr. Halberd explain what he wants in slightly more detail so she can decide if it's a good idea? Quickly, please.
"We know very little about where parahuman abilities come from, or why only humans get them, and equally little about the Endbringers. She opened a portal as a distraction, bringing in what didn't look like humans, many of which had powers. I'd like to investigate where they came from. If you recreate the portal, it would also be the greatest improvement in our understanding of alternate dimensions since the discovery of Aleph."
A robed man with a staff gives the other side.
"We found the notes and equipment of the tinker she was copying. Armsmaster helped destroy them, because if the Simurgh is offering us information we don't want it. The scream is gone now, but it's still the immediate aftermath and she still almost certainly predicted this argument."
"Is exposure cumulative or does it wear off? I could just fix it in a year or something, I'll probably be around that long."
A dark-costumed woman with the (on this earth) rare ability to wear a cape and not look silly lands. "We're not doing it. Certainly not without any precognitives affecting the decision process to make it less predictable. You're talking about voluntarily subjecting ourselves to something an Endbringer used as a weapon, and there's no benefit on that scale."
Non-Armsmaster people don't all just accept that at face value, "What, all the time?"
"I have to sleep. Unfortunately. If anybody has a way around that I want it. Can you identify the materials you want gone?"
"If not sleeping is important enough, Panacea could theoretically help. But she lives in Brockton Bay and is overworked already. Some tinkers myself included have unusually good stimulants, as far as that goes. But tinkering time is valuable so it would once again have to be important enough."
She looks at the list. She demats the hazmats.