And us, definitely don't tell people you flew anyone out of Madison."
And she kicks off into the sky and goes to talk to the "good guys" around the fence.
Stop, comes a voice through a loudspeaker. Stay away from the quarantine area. At least nobody is pointing anything dangerous at her.
She lands near some people in uniforms. Well, almost lands. Hovering is better than standing around like she hasn't got shit to do. "I want to help," she says.
One of them removes earplugs. "You're here to help? Find an armband, hurt her any way you can. They'll probably put you in a rotation. Cape base is over that way," she gets a direction, "make sure you stop by there before going in."
A cape in spots her and doesn't bother introducing herself. "New arrival?"
"Yeah. I might be more useful hanging out of the worst of the singing. I can heal and fix stuff."
"We do need more flight. The units here are the ones that still work, you could go to areas the fight moved on from and fix the ones there. The armband will show you where. Same with the healing, we've got a full hospital but most of the patients aren't critical. Start with the transportation, move to healing when it stops being the bottleneck or you get down to five minutes exposure." She offers an armband.
"If it gets down to zero. It takes proximity into account, so when it gets low you fly whichever direction quiets the song. In your case you'll be healing instead of repairing with plenty of margin." Her own armband is hardly ticking down at all; the fight is still far from here.
"Start with the vehicles if you can repair other people's tinker tech. The fight goes on long it'll be worth it, if not that's even better."
Zoom. She can go fast when she's going to someplace and not just overflying it to see what there is to do.
Tinkertech: be healed?
On arrival, nearby scraps of metal fly to it and slot themselves in where they came from. Pieces that have been destroyed appear from thin air. The small vehicle reactivates and flies off in the same direction that her armband recommends she go if she's trying to rescue a cape.
Apparently they started the battle with a good supply of these. There are enough destroyed-but-recognizable ones for it to get repetitive. After several rounds, there even start to be moments when the arrow pointing to the nearest downed cape flickers out.
Once it's repetitive she goes after a cape instead. On this timescale variety isn't paramount, but still. Habits.
Many of the capes fighting the Simurgh request assistance when their timers run low sooner than expected. Them she can fly out. Others are fighting the humanoid monstrosities the Simurgh got from who knows where; those ones are almost always calling for help because of injury. Once in a great while, the latter group is protecting some remaining civilians, who having missed the evacuation are likely to spend years locked in here but are still worth protecting.
She tries again to make the noise stop. No dice.
The Simurgh is at all times acting as if she's fully in control of the battlefield. As for whether she actually is, nobody feels like asking.
When she's closer, her timer ticks down faster. The estimate assumed she'd be a certain average distance, and she's currently closer. But there's plenty of time.
The enemy is taking damage. Aside from the falling feathers, there are open wounds dripping something that isn't blood. Most of the harm is being done by a masked cape in a green robe and a golden man in a white suit. Their opponent carries on fighting without paying much attention to the injuries.
Kithabel heals people who are not the evil angel and then ranges farther away from the evil angel song. She has a little less margin than her armband thinks.
The automated rescue devices are almost keeping up with demand, but there are probably more to fix. And judging by that almost, there's more search and rescue to be done. The field hospital is a third option; she's been told it's mostly non-critical but that doesn't mean small numbers.