"I'm sorry," she says to the ranking Suit on the field. She hands them a bead. "If you need me for anything later this'll call me."
"Thanks. We will. And you can call us, of course in the event that you're here and need anything." She glances around at the empty battlefield and the Nearly One Blasphemy. "However unlikely that may be."
Kithabel goes back to the United States. On her way she kills Sleeper, since she's killing particularly nasty villains now; Sleeper is a lot easier than the Blasphemies, a pleasant anticlimax she punctuates by eating a sandwich during the rest of her flight. She notifies her PRT contact.
The Protectorate is networked enough that she can just hang out in Arkansas for a while for a change of scenery, right?
Easily. Given that it's Arkansas there might be pretty much nothing but the scenery, but someone somewhere along the line will be able to come up with a local list of tasks anyway.
She notifies her contact person that at some point she may develop the ability to resurrect the dead and intends to try doing it periodically. Who should be her test subject and when she manages to dredge them up where should she drop them off so they can have things explained?
(A list starts being drawn for who else should be resurrected first, depending on the constraints. The two most cited are of course William Shakespeare and Thomas Jefferson, who'd need rather more explanation. But the Protectorate wants to focus it on capes for obvious reasons, and that's most of the result.)
Kithabel considers focusing on capes - well, heroes, in particular - reasonable. Although she develops the impression that she's really supposed to know who Shakespeare and Jefferson are, reads a couple sonnets, approves Shakespeare, disapproves Jefferson but strongly considers Ben Franklin, and mostly just tells her contact "sure, Hero's first in line, go ahead and compile more of a list for whenever I manage him".
There's a bit of debate about whether it counts as a violation of the Endbringer truce if they resurrect heroes who died during the attacks but not villains. Who knows; the truce wasn't set up with this in mind.
The other part of the reaction is to redouble the efforts to make sure Kithabel's list of tasks is as nonrepetitive as possible. It's only a slight improvement since that was already a focus, but it's there.
The momentum keeps increasing.
(Kithabel will empty a hospital whenever she damn well pleases; she remembers where they are. The list is a fallback guideline; it is not mind control.)
(And it would be impolite to suggest otherwise, especially so soon after the incident with not one but two sets of supervillains. Nobody mentions this.)
(Good. Kithabel is a nigh-omnipotent sorceress and when she wants the lame to walk and the blind see they will fucking do it.)
The lame and the blind are themselves in favor. And it's not all that much of a decrease from maximum variety.
...While she's at it, since the Protectorate seems pretty good at making coherent priority lists of people, she can render a small number immune to aging. This counts as a sustained effect, not a one-and-done - rolling back would be one-and-done - but she can cover some people with it. Any suggestions?
Might be a good idea to use aging immunity on the current President; Presidents are known for aging quickly, so to speak. And people in relevantly similar positions, some of whom are high up in the PRT.
Kithabel has formed no opinions on the current President and doesn't want to make it look like she has. She'll halt some PRT people though. A few. And then she can sell the rest of her capacity and donate the money. No good to have a passive capacity like that she isn't using.
She has recently passed the threshold between able to solve practically any problem the PRT can point her at to so powerful that she's creating new complications. This is technically an improvement.
He appears on his back in a badly damaged suit of golden armor. He's silent for a bit while comparing his last memory (Eidolon failing to heal him after a near bisection by the Siberian) with the state of his armor (featuring an appropriately placed gash) and his helmet's timepiece (2011).
"So what'd I miss?"
"Eeeeeee I did it! Um, you missed awhile. I'm supposed to drop you off in New York for an explanation," says Kithabel, beaming, and she teleports them up in a few hops.
Legend is there as soon as Kithabel arrives, of course, and Eidolon soon after. "It worked?" one or the other of them exclaims, as Alexandria joins them. There may be some heroic tears shed. Even Alexandria is smiling. (Hero himself has less to take in stride; it wasn't over eleven years for him.)
"It worked!" whoops Kithabel, spinning delightedly in the air. "Oh man I need to do another fifty people like right now where should I go."
"Here does work. This wasn't exactly unexpected."
They do in fact have space set aside for like fifty people to appear, and can start calling family members as soon as the resurrections are underway.