"Only those of us who are immune go to every Simurgh fight. Who can participate is typically strictly controlled; if all had gone according to plan you might not have been allowed to come to Madison at all. No offense."
"No, that makes perfect sense. I can teleport now, so it's probably worth a very brief check to see if I've developed immunity by next time she shows up, but I don't have any need to listen to more of her."
He swallows, and then decides he does need to ask. "When we were fighting Leviathan, you made my powers stronger. Do you think you could do that permanently?"
"Maybe. I assume you could tell if it was working or not, which is my usual problem with things I can't look at?"
"Do you have anything more specific in mind than 'make you stronger'? That might help," Kithabel adds. "Also who are you, I'd feel really stupid if you were someone I did not want to make stronger outside of Endbringer fights." She produces her magic internet doohickey.
"I can be more specific, but it would involve entrusting you with a secret. One that could demoralize a lot of people."
Kithabel looks him up on her doohickey. "I can try it without, but knowing what I'm doing lets me, you know, aim. It's not like I have a lot of social life to absorb secrets from me, though." She looks up at the lingering clouds and banishes them.
I'm less than entirely sure you should do it if you can. You might face the same problem one day, and for all I know refilling my well might accelerate the drain on yours."
"I don't think that's how I work," she says, skimming his wiki page and repairing some abandoned cars and a busted Dragon suit which picks up confusedly and flies away upon reassembly. "If you don't want me to try I won't, though." What a promising wiki page. Seems to be a stand-up guy.
"Oh, I very much want you to. Especially if you're not worried about draining your reserves. How do you know? Most capes never use enough for the difference to be noticeable, and I went for years."
"I'm accelerating. I couldn't teleport before today; if I don't slow down I can expect to keep it with increasing range. For instance. I've been working for years, I just used to be small-time, building up by rescuing burned cookies and changing the coat of paint on my bedroom."
If you think you can refill my supply of whatever it is, or give me permanent access to the reserves I can sometimes almost reach, we'll be able to beat back the next one of these monsters that much sooner."
She pauses. She looks at Eidolon. Working on people in unpracticed ways is a little tricky; he might not like the mindset she has to adopt if she knew about it. This is her person. He is her accessory to achieve more in the world. Things that belong to her must be as effective as possible. How dare his energy reserves threaten to run out. Don't they know who's in charge here?
He switches out one of his powers for another, looking for something with more sheer potential than he's been able to find lately. A power snaps into place, starts scaling up more quickly than even the smaller-scale ones like what he's using for the flood.
And then nothing. Back to normal.
"Didn't work. Almost did, and then it stopped."
"Sorry. I can try again when I have more momentum. Here, have a bead, talking to it talks to me and you can call me in if you need the short-term boost between Endbringers." She gives him a bead. She replaces half the cobblestones in a random alleyway with attractive marble flagstones. She clears the water out of a random grocery store, this time by telekinetically flinging it into a sunbeam and making a rainbow.
She pops up over her usual haunt and consults her task list. Back to work.
Endbringers continue attacking every few months. Not all of the battles are as successful as the defense at Athens. If Kithabel tracks how much effect she has when trying to damage the monsters directly she'll see it slowly increase, but they stay unkillable. She does at least do more than anyone to prevent and cure injuries, and clean up afterward. (With the exception of the original Scion, of course. Kithabel can change the course of a fight, he can end it.)
And she gets steadily more powerful.
She tries boosting Eidolon again at each Endbringer fight. It never sticks. She's not sure why. She can at least sustain an assist whenever they're in the same place at the same time and she doesn't need to break off to do something else, but it takes concentration unlike states along the lines of 'in midair' and 'insubstantial'.
Since her ability to make holes in Endbringers is so persistently underwhelming and her brief visits to Simurgh fights indicate that she is no more immune to the song than she was when she landed she focuses on force-multiplying: she can immunize people against Behemoth's kill aura, she can grant water breathing and decent immunity to blunt force trauma when Leviathan makes waves. More people can dare get close.
And between combats she has her projects. Between teleporting and flying she can now cross her favored continent in under an hour (if she doesn't stop, which she usually does); she'll happily do things in thirty different states in a week. Periodically she notifies her PAs that she can now do X, and her tasks should scale up accordingly, please and thank you.
One day after Leviathan has been chased out of Singapore, Kithabel asks Eidolon what exactly is stopping him from finding a self-boosting power and using that, since it's probably not the same thing that's stopping her.
Kithabel's tasks scale up along with her abilities. Certainly unusual, but if anyone suspects that she's not a parahuman, they're not talking.
Ordinary capes hardly count as combat, but on a visit back to Brockton Bay she notices a cloud of darkness that she didn't give permission to be there. It's rapidly expanding southward in a rough line from the Trainyard, and can't really be anything other than a cape.
There is one. His name is Grue. He and his team are mostly the kind of villains that go out of their way to avoid hurting people, but they're also not-so-secretly trying to take control of the city's criminal world.
Hm. Maybe worth investigating. Can she just see through the dark? It'd have to be really special dark to keep her out.
The first thing she sees are the enormous monsters of muscle and bone. Grue is riding one, a smaller person who is presumably a teammate also hanging on to a bone spur jutting out from its spine, and a third human is riding the other. The next most obvious thing is the repeated explosions appearing around the monsters. It's not them doing it; there's a fourth cape in pursuit. Her costume includes everything from blades to skulls. Grue is ineffectually trying to fight her off while also leaving enough gaps in the clouds for the monsters to see. Both teammates are injured and getting worse.