Everett's first glowfic
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"So, you're currently under obligations to work for them, to cover up what they do, to keep people from finding out the danger they're in and what's really going on in the world, to not stand against them.  I'm pretty uncomfortable with that, but as you describe the situation, it seems like there's not a lot of better options available."

"Can you say more about what you mean by 'semi-human'?"


"Vampires are all born human. Werewolves either are born human or are the children's children of born-humans. And we're all psychologically human, with some little instinctual tweaks. We think of ourselves as part of humanity. Dragons... aren't. Even the ones who are our genuine allies aren't. They're loners, hoarders, predators -- the younger ones often have some modern sensibilities but they're not human."


"Zayeed down in SoCal likes us because our food and performance art are endlessly novel and beautiful and if we ever got wiped out or corralled into dragon-teen-84 we'd stop making more. And he's one of the less weird ones."


"So what are the other factions and powers involved here? Vampires and werewolves consider themselves part of humanity, but you also said earlier there's a three-way cold war going on? Are vampires and werewolves similarly terrifying to learn about in some way?"


"Did we? No, there's three factions, four if you count the informed humans separately, but only the two sides. We're... pretty minimally terrifying, given what you might guess from stories? Wolves are faster, stronger, heal quickly, and usually live about two centuries. Vampires are even faster, can turn to smoke, need to drink blood non-fatally about twice a month, and don't age. Mostly we just work through human organizations."

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