Deep in Deviskaryl's forest, where people rarely go, there's a lake, unremarkable but for the beach on the west side, where she's been practicing the sort of gentle sandy slope and tiered dropoff that makes for the best swimming hole. She's got her technique down just about perfectly, ready to deploy on beaches needing a touchup in a few weeks when summer is over, and is just practicing for speed and efficiency now; she pauses in her work when the sun begins to set, watching it through the augmented eyesight of dozens of cats, only a sliver of her attention still on the lake, considering how she might shave off another minute or another bit of effort.
"Gemstones will work fine. If you have any skills besides the magic, I can probably find someone who'd be interested in a lesson, or help with a project - or with the magic, depending on what you can do with it."
"Hm, what I can do with magic is a long list. I fly or levitate things up to a total of about three times my weight, though my precision suffers the more weight I'm lifting. I can also do something a lot like teleporting, but it takes time to plan a series of jumps if I want to go somewhere really specific. I can bring air with me underwater or into space. I can make objects or dissolve them into magic and turn them into other things. I can freeze time in small areas. That isn't a complete list of the magics I have premade but it's all the big ones. I can make new magics if I have enough time to think about it and figure out what I'm trying to do though."
"I don't think you'll have any trouble finding things to do, then, those all sound useful enough. If you can bring cargo or passengers, the teleportation might be the easiest, not many people are interested in making the trip from Cresthill to Miller's Pool."
"I can teleport as much cargo as I can fly more or less. More if the topology of the terrain and the oddities of my teleportation system cooperate."
"That works out nicely then. I prefer exchanging magic directly to working with gemstones, it feels a little bit fairer. Gems tend to be valued for being rare and it's easy for me to make them."
"Ah," she chuckles, "not here. I make gemstones myself pretty regularly; the artists like them for their beauty, not how rare they are. I'd make everything common, if it was easy enough."
"Ooh, do you understand the chemistry then? It took me over a week to figure out how to make the rubies look right. Diamonds were a lot easier."
"Some of it. I can do a perfectly nice ruby but not a really spectacular one without just copying something I already have; getting the inclusions right is tricky."
"It is, and then the faceting. Still I have lots of fun experimenting with personal projects. Diamonds with rubies and sapphires embedded in their centers things like that."
"I don't do the faceting, usually. Embedding's a good idea, I wonder what they'll make of that."
"I don't really know. I haven't met them, I would expect they'll be impressed though."
"Oh, of course. I'm not sure how they'll use them, though, that will be interesting to see."
"It sounds it. Your people must make beautiful art with such a helpful goddess encouraging them. Is there somewhere I could go to see some of it?"
"Mmhmm. I'm not big enough to have any real cities, but Cresthill has a little art district with a few galleries and museums."
"That sounds lovely. I would guess that you don't want to walk me there because of the cats thing. Do you have some other way of providing directions that you prefer?"
"I can walk you in if you'd like, I'll just get lost in the city clowder afterward. It would be faster to teleport, though, I suspect - I can bring you a map, if that suits."
"Oh, it's far away? I can take out my map and try to figure out a good teleportation route. Or are you just referring to the time of day? I haven't quite adapted to your local time yet."
"Yes, I was more referring to how my sleep schedule doesn't match your day-night cycle. I can sleep while flying though."
"Even if you're awake it wouldn't be especially hospitable. Anyway, I can guide you flying if you don't mind carrying a cat." The nondescript tabby of the trio steps forward.
"Sure." Luna adjusts her bracelet slightly and the tabby cat is levitating next to her. "I could carry you in my arms if you prefer."