Deep in Deviskaryl's forest, where people rarely go, there's a lake, unremarkable but for the beach on the west side, where she's been practicing the sort of gentle sandy slope and tiered dropoff that makes for the best swimming hole. She's got her technique down just about perfectly, ready to deploy on beaches needing a touchup in a few weeks when summer is over, and is just practicing for speed and efficiency now; she pauses in her work when the sun begins to set, watching it through the augmented eyesight of dozens of cats, only a sliver of her attention still on the lake, considering how she might shave off another minute or another bit of effort.
"It wants people who are smart and I think the second criteria is motivated or maybe steadfast, the third and fourth criteria are about your goals or morals, it's hard to figure out what those are selecting for but looking back over the notes my predecessors have left it looks like it's somehow selecting for people who are well intentioned as one of those criteria. I'm not sure what the last one is or if both the third and fourth can be summed up as well intentioned when taken together. One of the artifacts I brought with me will tell me who meets which criteria."
"That shouldn't be too hard, then. The next poetry day is in a month and a half; we can let people know to submit notes along with their poems if they're interested in dedicating themselves to something like that."
"Well that sounds like a better chance than I've had in awhile, mostly I'm reliant on checking the people I meet one at a time. I wonder if my magic recognizes you as a person."
Luna unslings her satchel and rummages around in it for a few moments before finding a disk covered in strange glyphs and five circles. She sets it in the palm of her hand then concentrates. All five light up. "That's reading off of me, just to confirm it didn't get damaged since the last time I used it. I don't think you count as specifically here enough for it to give me a readout on you. I tried pointing it at your cat self but it doesn't see that in and of itself as a person."
"That makes sense, if it has to learn how to recognize things. I could make a human avatar to try, but they're expensive and I don't have much use for one - we can ask one of my neighbors, if there's some reason we need to know."
"That seems a shame, there's usually so much that can be gained from cooperation."
"We're not unfriendly, we're just busy with our own domains. We do send people back and forth, when someone turns out to be better suited to someone else's philosophy."
"Ah, I suppose being areas of land in a certain sense would make it difficult to live in close proximity."
"Yes. And it's better to have room to expand without crowding one another. I do send acolytes visiting, sometimes, when I have acolytes."
"Deeper meaning. Priests assist gods as a vocation, but aren't otherwise different from any other follower; an acolyte shares their god's power in an irrevocable way."
"Interesting, so having an acolyte lets you spread your influence further but it opens you up to the risk of them misusing your trust."
"Yes. It's also a lot to ask of someone; I prefer my followers to pursue whatever suits them best, and it's almost never that."
"Are there responsibilities essential to the roll or is it just that you only offer it to people well suited towards devoting themselves to it?"
"No specific responsibilities, but I do look for people who have an idea of how they want to contribute. Other gods often look for something in particular, though."
"It makes sense that as a goddess of self-actualization you focus more on your follower's preferences than most gods."
"I've never had a visitor from another world, before, I don't know what you might mind being asked. What has that been like, for you?"
"It's nice, I think this agrees with me better than what I was doing when I got copied by the magic. I like seeing new places and meeting new people and doing that was expensive in the place I used to call home. Now I can get food from magic in a pinch, but usually I carry some with me and trade in favors."
"That does sound like it suits you better, yes. You won't have trouble with food here; I do a fair bit of harvest goddessing on the side, so my people can focus on other things - you will need to trade for it, but it's abundant enough to be inexpensive."
"What sorts of things do people trade for? I've learned to make gemstones so most places with currencies I can use those to trade, but like I said I prefer to trade favors."