Edit History (Oldest to Newest)
Version: 1
Fields Changed (Original)
all alone, more or less
q: why am i writing red dwarf fanfic? a: don't worry about it

He's having some kind of psychotic break. "What do you mean everybody's dead?" he asks helplessly. "Not - I mean, I just saw Peterson. He put me in the stasis chamber personally."

Version: 2
Fields Changed Content
all alone, more or less
q: why am i writing red dwarf fanfic? a: don't worry about it

He's having some kind of psychotic break. "What do you mean everybody's dead?" he asks helplessly. "Not - I mean, I just saw Peterson. He put me in the stasis chamber personally." A strong man, a respectable man. A good man, maybe, if that's coherent.

Version: 3
Fields Changed Board
Continuity Changed from Sandboxes to the wood between worlds