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Serg is the prince for a Sleeping Beauty
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...snort. "Besides that one, you mean?"


Little giggle. "Yeah. Besides that one."



"...I'm not a bad dancer?" he comes up with after a moment. "But uh. It's mostly torturing girls and playing with magic."


"... Did you purposefully set out to have the sketchiest hobbies, or did it just work out that way?" she wonders, a little amused.


"It just worked out that way!"


"Aha. Well, okay. What is it about both that you, um. Enjoy?"


"...I like playing with magic because - it's fun, and I'm good at it, and I like pushing the edge of what's safe even though sometimes that means I light myself on fire, and I get even better with practice. I made a sword that eats spellfray, I don't think I could've done that if I hadn't been - good to start with and better because I do it so much."


She nods.

"Does the danger of it makes it more fun? Or is the danger just incidental?"


"...a little more fun, maybe."


Another nod.

"And the, um. Other hobby?"



"I like to hurt people," he says. "I like when I can do whatever I want to somebody. I like seeing them scared and in pain and knowing I did that. I like seeing how badly I can fuck someone up. I got really good at healing magic."



Yep, nodding again.

"So, power and pain, not just - one or the other."


"Well - either one's nice by itself, but—"


"Combined they're more satisfying," she tentatively finishes. "Is it the - the personal power over someone that appeals, or is the knowledge that you're getting away with, ah, murder a satisfying way to prove your overall power? That no one could stop you?"


" first thing?"


"Okay," she says. "Is it - um. Is it the taking of power over someone, or just the power itself? Would it be the same if it were consensually given? If someone wanted you to, um. Have your way with them."



"...I don't know."


"Okay. No pressure there, I just - I want to understand the mechanisms at play here, so I can maybe get you alternatives that include aspects you like that are still compatible with - with having breakfast."





"Why not? I liked this, too, I like you too, even if I'm - a bit more aware of your flaws now. What would tossing you out and running for the hills get me? What would it get either of us."



He likes hurting people but he went and said that he didn't want to hurt her, and it's not like there's anyone else for him to hurt, here. Maybe she's playing fast and loose with her own life here, but she doesn't have any better ideas. She wants to help him.

"I'd be miserable, you'd be miserable, nothing would get fixed, let's just skip it and think of something better."




... And she doesn't want to be alone in her own city's dangerous grave. If she's honest.

Hesitantly, she stands and touches his arm. Tentative smile?



He hugs her, very gently.

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