Edit History (Oldest to Newest)
Version: 1
Fields Changed (Original)
I am ancient sorcerer, master of the stars
Maximizing genie efficiency

World number: 265...probably?
Technological level: 5. Not great, but could be worse.
Magical level: occult low fantasy.
Available abilities: nothing but perception of magical phenomena (typical of my attractor towards perceptive abilities).
Current plan: lay low, research, look for opportunities to improve things when they come.

Version: 2
Fields Changed Subject
I am an ancient sorcerer, master of the stars
Maximizing genie efficiency

World number: 265...probably?
Technological level: 5. Not great, but could be worse.
Magical level: occult low fantasy.
Available abilities: nothing but perception of magical phenomena (typical of my attractor towards perceptive abilities).
Current plan: lay low, research, look for opportunities to improve things when they come.

Version: 3
Fields Changed Content
I am an ancient sorcerer, master of the stars
Maximizing genie efficiency

World number: 265...probably?
Technological level: 5. Not great, but could be worse.
Magical level: occult low fantasy.
Available abilities: nothing but perception of magical phenomena (typical of my attractor towards perceptive abilities).
Current plan: lay low, research, look for opportunities to improve things when they come.