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a fruit elf on the Howling Mountain
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She disrobes.


Maran takes her face in his hands and stares into her eyes. They go dark one after the other.


She closes her eyes once he's finished.


They take her to their padded box and chain her down, just like last time.

(Tarro hands Maran a knife.)


He cuts her. Quick shallow slashes that bleed more than they hurt, although he's not especially careful about slipping and going deeper than he means.


It's gorgeous.

Serik, watching, sits on the nearest couch and beckons to Tarro.


That looks like a 'come here so I can kiss you breathless' gesture.

He goes there.


And turns out to have been very right about what kind of gesture it was!



Maran tosses the knife onto a table and starts fucking her.



shit, maybe she should have done a better job cooling down before coming here. She very firmly thinks unsexy thoughts.


The quiet sounds from the direction of the couch probably won't help her there. Because they are the sounds of Serik dragging Tarro into his lap and kissing his neck and groping him a lot.


They really really don't, gah. At least she can't see anything.


Tarro, whether out of personal preference or because he can guess that she'd rather not hear, tries to keep quiet. It doesn't work perfectly.


Maran continues to fuck her. It's kind of impressive how he can sustain this level of violent activity for this long.


And she's been wanting Serik to fuck her very badly and this isn't Serik but it is someone she actually likes and she can hear Serik over there doing sex things--

She grits her teeth and holds on.


He drags his fingernails down her back, ripping open half-healed cuts, and comes inside her with a low moan.

Then he is still for a moment, and then he goes to retrieve the knife.

This time he makes long shallow slices, spilling curtains of blood down her sides.


Oh good. She is not a masochist, she can just focus on the pain.

...She tries and fails not to listen for what Serik and Tarro are up to now.


It's a little ambiguous, but available evidence is definitely consistent with the theory that Tarro is sucking Serik's cock.







Well, fuck.


Maran cuts her some more.

And then he stands beside her and holds the knife to her throat, pressing hard enough to part the skin slightly but not following through with a cut.


Wondering why he doesn't just outright slit her throat is less distracting than she might have hoped!


Whatever his reasons, he does not, in fact, just slit her throat. He takes the knife away, pauses, tosses it onto the table again, and goes back to fucking her, digging his fingers into her slashed-up thighs.



(The noises are less ambiguous now.)

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