and he can't stay beneath notice forever
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"Lady Kajetana."


"Cousin Kamarev. We are going to go to the Teeth themselves, and you will re-swear the oath you gave me with this fine gentleman to witness."


"And then will you be satisfied?"


"I will."


"Wonderful. No sense waiting, then."


"Maidens, with us," she orders, and they head off to the Teeth.



Urszebya, Ursun's Teeth, is a valley full of jagged black standing stones which predate human settlement as far as anyone could ever remember. Legend says that in Ursun's youth he took a bite out of the world here, and left many of his teeth behind. It is one of the holiest sites in Kislev, and a huge center of magical power, possibly the heart of Kislev's strength. (This was why it was so necessary to protect - if the Beastmen were able to pollute it, it might ruin all the witches and priests of Kislev.) It is also a graveyard of heroes.

And the five of them walk through the largest entrance, between two of the larger menhirs, standing in front of the oldest grave - Shoika's son Gerelt, who died leading an army which held back the first major Chaos incursion after the formation of Kislev.

The priest (a big burly man with a wild beard and many scars) nods to Teodor. "Give your oath when you are ready."


"I am no witch, though I have witch-sight and was born with witch-gift. It was removed from me by Baba Ostankya herself. I cannot touch the winds or the ice, and I will never be able, even if I someday wished it. I will not and cannot be a witch. So I swear to Ursun, and let him swallow me up where I stand or send his children to devour me and curse me if I told a lie."


The energy swirls around him, but she still wants confirmation. "Father Yuri?"


"Ursun hears and witnesses the oath. He must speak true."


"Good. I would so hate to waste a loyal son of Kislev like you, Teodor. You can return to your rota. Though I'd appreciate it if you visit me before you head for Kyrnoka."


"Thank you, cousin Kajetana," he says cautiously, but he doesn't let that make him stick around longer than he has to.


"I like him," she remarks to Katya.

"Just because he has a temper to match the storm?"

"Well, it doesn't hurt. But mostly he's clever."

"Do you think the tzarina will trust your report?"


"Yes. But not enough to overrule the rest of the Ice Court."

"And they won't."

"They might. But very probably not. Some of them won't trust him out of their sight, no matter what."

"So then this was a waste?"


"I'll have a plan by the time we get back to the capital."



The regular army, its supply chain, and Tzarina Katarin arrive half a week later, and scouting reports come back soon after finding that the remaining brayherd has fallen apart into smaller groups, with only about half their present locations accounted for and several groups leaving a blatant trail that walks into a particularly dense thicket and immediately ceases to leave any trail, as beastmen sometimes do. She indicates that those groups are gone and cannot be followed, and they should not attempt to. (Baba Evelina from Uvetsyn, when quietly asked, confirms that as they suspect, this is witchy business, and agrees that she is right.)

After two days of local court and properly paying her respects to Urszebya, she departs, bringing most of her army, the kossars, and much of the northern rotas who had arrived initially. Another two days of scouting and all but the closest rotas are released to return home.


On the outer edge of the ridge that creates the valley of Urszebya, there are a number of stone ledges, significantly lighter in color than the teeth themselves. Teodor sits down next to Teisiya on one the morning he expects to leave.

"You wanted to speak with me."


"I did. Did you work out why?"


"I imagine you've spoken to the tzarina about me since we last spoke. And you didn't think this would be - properly solved."


"Correct. Her Majesty trusts my judgement and my evaluation. I am still satisfied, and so is she. But not so confidently that she will intercede for you if the Ice Court objects that we can't take the risk, and several of them, particularly those deep in the Mother's Lore, surely will. You can go home to Kyrnoka... but others may come looking. If not soon, then eventually."


"So, what, I have to run off to the Imperinyi after all? Or get the Sight stripped away, and waste that whole foolish journey?"


"You could. Have you met any of their 'Witch Hunters'? You'd make an excellent one, searching for secret Chaos cultists and dark mages. Really, a clever boy like you is wasted as assistant ataman to a single stanitsa."



The flattery isn't subtle. He has a guess, but he's going to make her say it.


"Or you could do that same job, but work for me. If I am vouching for a stranger a hundred miles away, my judgment carries only so much weight. For a man I've handed a chekist's coin and frequently observe closely - much more."


"Who are you?"

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