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aloy!eridani in horizon zero dawn
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"But how - ?" She shakes her head. "If the goddess has sent you a vision - then it must be so. And if this 'Olin' is working with the killers - perhaps he is your lead."


"I'd say so."


"You will have to go beyond the borders of the Sacred Land..."


"I've been an outcast for seventeen years already."


She shakes her head. "There is another way. Come, and we will make it so."


"Uh, sure. Okay. Lead the way."


She does so!

And as they come near the exit, she says: "The other High Matriarchs are waiting for us. Let me do the talking."


Yeah, Aloy is fine with that. She doesn't much like the other matriarchs.


They emerge - the other two High Matriarchs, Jezza (who seems mostly neutral) and Lansra (who seems to actively hate Aloy) are waiting outside.

"It is done?" Jezza asks, evenly. 

"Yes, I showed her." Teersa steps up to the other two, reaching out to them. "Sisters - the Goddess spoke to Aloy! Told her to heal the corruption."

Lansra scoffs and turns aside, though Jezza furrows her brow and, after a glance at Lansra, asks, "But how is she to do that?"

"She will have to journey beyond our Sacred Land," Teersa says quietly.

Jezza seems suprised as she responds, "A Seeker?" And then after a moment she turns to Lansra and raises her voice to call out, "If the Goddess spoke, then it must be so."

Lansra whirls around and, in a low, furious voice, demands: "You would name this thing a Seeker?!"

"Sister," Jezza warns, reaching out to Lansra's arm.

Teersa steps up as well, placing hand on Lansra's other arm. "For once Lansra, join with us!"

Lansra tears herself away from both Sisters and spits on the ground. "This will be your sin, not mine," she nearly whispers. And, at a more normal volume: "Send her Seeking, and may she never be seen again." She turns away, then, and storms back into the depths of the mountain. 


Bye bye, then.


The other two  step up to Aloy, each putting a hand on one of her shoulders. Teersa begins, saying: "Aloy, by the holy grace of the One Goddess we hereby annoint you a Seeker of the Nora tribe," as Jezza pulls a vial of blessed oil (from the scent, made of medicinal flowers) from her robes and places a few drops on Aloy's forehead.

It is then Jezza's turn to speak, and she says: "No barrier can now stay you from your  sacred task. May All-Mother protect you and sustain you. Stay true," as Teersa spreads blue paint on Aloy's face, then lifts a circlet of colorful threads and bone beads around her forehead.

They step back, then, ending the ceremony, and Jezza says, "I will make ready for the Hymn," before, quietly, turning to Aloy to say, "Our hopes lie with you." And then she leaves, towards the village.


Yeah, no pressure or anything.


"Do you have any questions, Aloy?"


Well if she's about to leave-

"What happened to Rost?"


"There... Wasn't much left. What we did find - we buried him near the place where he raised you, with flowers on the grave."



"He'd've liked that. I think."


"It was home."


It would be silly to hold a grudge on Rost's behalf about him having been cast out when he didn't do it on his own behalf.

She still kinda wants to, though.


"It was."




"I am sorry we could not do more."


"Me too."

"Um, I should probably get moving."


"Leave through the North Embrace Gate and speak to Vala. She'll be able to tell you the way to Meridian."


Aloy nods and sets her sights on the gate out of town.


Said gate is currently closed! There's a few scouts giving a report to someone who looks vaguely in charge on the upper ramparts, something about a demon out in the valley.

(The Nora she passes on the way seem to mostly regard her with wariness - though there's some respect - and Teb greets her fondly when she enters the main courtyard. (He's at work repairing armor, looks like, though he also has a weapon on his hip.))


Hope he can stick with the needle.

"Excuse me, can someone open the gate?"


"Ignore her," the man apparently in charge says, "And continue your reports." 

(Now that Aloy hears his voice - this man oversaw the first part of the Proving. He did nothing when Bast effectively cheated by destroying her trophy, and he repeatedly scorned her.)

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