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You're not actually able to cast that right now.

You already did the Dispel Magic. You don't have enough action economy to survive, if you're also trying to mind control me at the same time.


Sorcerers don’t have to prepare spells.

He needs to cast an extra Fly today? He’ll cast an extra Fly today.


I can fly again? No idea why but gonna run with it. You can’t hide from me in midair!



Just checking, what happens if I Full Attack right now?


Arkrernux has Haste, and Power Attack.
Her expected damage output is:
bite: 2d8+15 + 12
bite: 2d8+15 + 12
claw: 2d6+10 + 8
claw: 2d6+10 + 8
wing: 1d8+5 + 4
wing: 1d8+5 + 4
tail slap: 2d6+15 + 4

Arkrernux deals 6d8 + 6d6 + 75 + 52 (Power Attack) + 28 (Come and Get Me) = 184???


If you think you'll live that long, we get to attack first.

Also you're forgetting about my damage reduction.


Oh hey guys! Is this where the battle's happening? Boy that sure was a long tunnel.

Are we gonna break some shit now?


Probably if she's got a plan that relies on her wyrmlings helping, we should kill them first? It wouldn't be very hard.


Yeah I'm not with her. Best of luck to you guys.

He'll run for the front entrance.

And by run, he means fly. He's normally got 150 feet of fly speed but right now he also has Haste and nothing better to be doing.


Eh, it's fine. He'll be trapped at the entrance and they can go back and kill him afterwards.

So long as they still get to kill all the dragons, it doesn't really matter who kills which ones when.




It totally matters who kills which dragons when!

If I don't kill the big dragon personally right now, we'll all be stuck trying to pass deception checks for the rest of our lives pretending I killed the big dragon personally.

That seems like a lot more work.


The sounds of battle rage behind him as he deftly manoeuvres through the cave under total darkness.

In two rounds he's at the door, and for some convenient reason there is a wyrmling-sized hole in it, and a round after that with his +16 to stealth you wouldn't even notice he was ever there.


This is bullshit how are you still alive.


Oh I forgot to mention I also have Stoneskin.

Sorcerers are pretty cool, aren't they? I should try to find another one.


And then the last axe-swing descends upon her neck, and 130 years of survival amount to nothing.



She was only trying to protect her children.


No she wasn't.

And even if she was, her children are Evil too.

Protecting Evil isn't Good.


There's nothing intrinsically Unlawful about serving only ones own vices, while living alone in the wilderness.


Yes there is, and even if there wasn't, she did not at any point even attempt to have a Code of Honour, to keep a promise for the sake of keeping a promise, or to follow any kind of rule.

Plus, if she wanted the world to be a generally more Lawful place, she wouldn't have, you know, made more Chaotic Evil dragons.



130 years of survival amount to almost nothing.


Dergaix finds himself soaring over the night skies of southern Belkzen, a red dragon wyrmling on his own, nowhere to call home, with no choice but to take on the whole world.

The world is, unfortunately, Golarion.
Golarion does not very much approve of dragons.


Dragon's blood is widely believed to have restorative properties, and trades at a high price.

The scales and other parts of a dragon are often valued as useful spell components, or crafting materials.

The malleable underbelly of a dragon's hide is considered a fine material for masterwork weapons, providing a better grip.



The Rotten Tongue war chief Ury Sevenskulls has, as his name suggests, a necklace of seven silver-plated red wyrmling skulls that he wears at all times.

Iomedae Herself has a Celestial Gold Dragon servant. If her Holy Book thought to mention Chromatic dragons, it was probably only to describe how she slew them.


Smiad, the Lawful Good empyreal lord of dragonslaying, charges his followers to slay all evil dragons, while assisting the good works of benevolent ones. You can tell which is which by the colour of their skin.

Dergaix's skin is red. Red is not one of the Good colours.


There is an obscure and very minor god of Evil dragons, Dahak. Like many gods, He does not live in the afterlife of His own alignment. He is Chaotic Evil, but He lives in Caina, in Hell. He purchased a domain there from Mephistopheles, in exchange for an artifact-level magic quill.

It is widely assumed to be part of some kind of cunning scheme, but really the Abyss is just a dangerous place even if you're pseudo-divinity and Dahak is a coward who'd rather buy safety from Hell even if it means selling out His own alignment to do it.

Perhaps if you serve Him very loyally, you can go there instead of the Abyss.
None of the other gods would even give you the time of day.

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