Goblins: Organization: gang (4–9), warband (10–16 with goblin dog mounts), or tribe (17+ plus 100% noncombatants; 1 sergeant of 3rd level per 20 adults; 1 or 2 lieutenants of 4th or 5th level; 1 leader of 6th–8th level; and 10–40 goblin dogs, wolves, or worgs)
By the time they reach the place, it is just before dusk, not that anybody involved will care.
Nub's tribe lives in what, if you studied it carefully and passed a few checks, you could infer was once a village of some other more productive species. The two mostly intact buildings were once a blacksmith and a small chapel. A few buildings that might have once been storehouses are now rubble covered in overgrowth, but their basements were stone or brick or something, and someone at some point who may or may not have been a goblin dug small-sized tunnels between them and a chamber under the chapel, which now serves as the community space.
Nub's tribe has *rolls dice* 40 combatants.
It has 40 non-combatants, mostly children.
Adult women are also, to Goblins, usually considered combatants.
Most people can't tell them apart anyway.
It has 30 goblin dogs (technically a kind of rodent), the superior species off which regular dogs are merely an accursed imitation.
It has 1 chief: Fighter 7.
It has 2 lieutenants: Cleric 5, Alchemist 4.
It has 3 sergeants: Fighter 3, with the job of managing the other combatants.
It has 34 level 1 or 2 characters, mostly Fighters, Rogues, Rangers, a few magic casters, and a junior Cleric.
But not including Nub. He doesn't count.