Civilization traps and dams the cycles of nature. The very word 'dam' comes from such techniques.
Born from Aspiration and Discipline, the Circle of Towers Druid follows a heterodoxical path towards mastering the external flow of Orgone. Rather than join with nature, they dam the flow of Orgone and use that dam to control the absurd chaos of the natural flow. The Circle of Towers Druids raise their dams, and then 'solidify' those dams through internalizing it as a personal Aspect. They call these aspects their Towers.
Tower Raising follows two paths, the path of artifice, and the path of congress.
Artifice is what it sounds like. The Druid will lay down roads, dam rivers, build homes, and otherwise control the natural world. With their Icon Aspects, they'll bind themselves to their works, use those works to dam and direct the flow of Orgone, and then solidify that dam into Personal Aspects.
The Path of Congress leverages people instead of works. Life is always part of the flow of nature. By forming sympathetic connections to others, they can be used as levers and pulleys to shift the flow of Orgone, and then solidify those levers into personal aspects.
The simplest form of connection can be formed through sex, a stronger one through any children you have, and the strongest connection by far is from a mother to the child in her own womb. Many of these connections can be leveraged to form further connections. A Circle of Towers Druid might leverage her connection to a lover to connect to her lover's blood family, and from their blood family to those people's lovers. Woman have some advantage here - while the personal cost is higher, their metaphysical connection to their children is also more easily leveraged.
Alternatively, these dams or levers can be spent on ritual techniques that can affect vast territories.
All connections, whether Artifice or Congress fade eventually. Children eventually become their own people, towns gain their own character, lovers forget you. This does not damage or reduce the Aspects the Druid has formed, but they must either rebuild old connection or build new ones if they wish to continue to forge new Aspects.
The Circle of Towers Druid is one of the Icons that can perform beyond their Ascension. The cost of this is that their Icon Aspects are largely devoted toward building personal aspects, rather than being useful in and of themselves.