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A fleet of Imperial ships is on its way to secure the newest addition to the Sith Empire. It's not a large fleet, only seven ships total, but ships are spread a bit thin, and the planet's nowhere near Republic space anyway. It doesn't need a large armada to defend it. It needs archaeologists to explore the ancient tombs present on the planet, it needs colonization infrastructure with which to establish a base of operations, it needs... well, admittedly, it does need a little bit of military force. These are Imperials, after all. A new foray to an old planet wouldn't be complete without soldiers to blast the local wildlife, burn the local flora, and soak up the majority of a Sith's body count when they inevitably lose their temper and take it out on those conveniently located nearby.

Unfortunately for the soldiers present, there are two Sith in this fleet. Worse, one of them is in charge. He's already killed six, whose bodies have been quietly disposed of, because this is an Imperial vessel. They're used to this sort of thing. A Sith killing people? Just a thing that happens, sometimes. The other sith has yet to kill anyone, but she's kept mostly to herself and the small crew of her personal ship, so it's likely only a matter of time. They'll keep the incinerators on standby. They know what happens to people that spend time around Sith.

Besides, the fleet currently has bigger problems than the Sith in their midst. The organization of the jump to hyperspace goes normally, the hyperspace route is new, but it's stable, and none of the ships have any damaged hyperdrives. The nav computers are well built and calculating without errors. They should, by any rights, have a perfectly ordinary trip to the planet.

But the universe is not always fair. For example: while they are in hyperspace, something - goes wrong. The blue of hyperspace shifts purple, twists in a way it shouldn't. No one's quite sure what causes it - some techs argue that a nearby star went nova, others think the hyperspace route was faulty, some insist that nothing they know of could possibly explain this result, it must be a new phenomenon - but the end result?

Seven Imperial ships drop out of hyperspace, one by one, and they are not at the advertised destination.

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"I certainly like to think so!"



"I love it and want to stay here forever. ... Well, maybe go see what the rest of the Nexus is like, too, but. I am in no hurry and would like to return once my curiosity is sated."


"I recommend Earth," he says. "Birthplace of humanity. Also where my little brother grew up - I can't remember if I've told you this story—?"


"You mentioned a clone substitution plot, but I don't believe I asked for details at the time."


"There's not all that much more to tell. His name is Mark. I like him. He's got a twisty sense of humour and he's out there roaming the galaxy somewhere, declining to keep in touch."


She nods. "May the Force be with him," she says, softly.


"...huh," he says, "I'm not sure if I knew that you invoke the Force where my mother would invoke God..."


"Oh, um. I get the impression some Jedi actually worship it, but I don't, particularly. I invoke it more in the sense that - okay, context. Force users tend to be abnormally good at timing. Being in the right place at the right time with the right tools for the job, even when it seems like it'd be impossible. So when I invoke it, it's less like I'm invoking an actual deity-alike to be with him, and more like I am wishing the steps on his path to fall into place. So he can go wherever he'd like to go. The proper Sith version is actually 'May the Force serve you well,' but that only applies to trained Force-users. But I don't like using that one, because I want things to work out for everyone, regardless of Force sensitivity or not."


"As it happens, that's remarkably similar to how my mother invokes God."


"Oh. Well. Then, yes, apparently I invoke the Force like your mother invokes God."


He smiles.

"Yeah. Although, thinking about it, I'm not at all sure he'll need it. Resourcefulness seems to run in the family."


"I don't doubt it. But he can have my slightly-religious blessing for his well-being and happiness if he wants it, anyway."


"He'd probably be confused about why it was on offer."


"Ah, well. Which part would confuse him?"


"He, uh... doesn't seem to have a lot of practice interpreting people's motives and goals? Except me, he's got me down cold. I can just hear his voice in my head, asking 'why?' with this quizzical look on his face that I cannot at all mimic..."


"Oh. I suppose it'd be pointless to try to explain my motivations to you in his place, wouldn't it. What with him being who knows where."


"You could if you liked, and then I'd have the explanation on hand if I ever met him and happened to mention it."


"Fair. And I sort of want to mention it to you anyway because I'm becoming enamored with the ability to just tell you what I'm thinking." Nuzzle. "I want him to find safety, fulfillment, and happiness, because I can empathize with not having any. I don't think I'd hesitate to try to offer some kind of way out to anyone that needed it if I could, regardless of their relation to you. It just - it's incorrect. There are improvements that can be made. It would be better if everyone could have their lives neatly fit around them and they could live lives that they think are sufficient. If the galaxy were constructed more efficiently."


He smiles at her. "Yeah. Wouldn't that be nice."


"Very." Kiss.


Yes, that.


"You are tempting to kiss all the time, how did you walk around without someone trailing after you, badgering you to lock lips...?" she murmurs, nuzzling again.


"I can't say I've ever had that problem before!"


"No?" She decides that brief experimentation with other locations to bestow kisses is okay, and that nibbling is not, and acts accordingly. "Well, just as well, I suppose. Even if it started out as endearing, it might eventually become annoying."


...Miles is slightly distracted and does not reply immediately.

Total: 73
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