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A fleet of Imperial ships is on its way to secure the newest addition to the Sith Empire. It's not a large fleet, only seven ships total, but ships are spread a bit thin, and the planet's nowhere near Republic space anyway. It doesn't need a large armada to defend it. It needs archaeologists to explore the ancient tombs present on the planet, it needs colonization infrastructure with which to establish a base of operations, it needs... well, admittedly, it does need a little bit of military force. These are Imperials, after all. A new foray to an old planet wouldn't be complete without soldiers to blast the local wildlife, burn the local flora, and soak up the majority of a Sith's body count when they inevitably lose their temper and take it out on those conveniently located nearby.

Unfortunately for the soldiers present, there are two Sith in this fleet. Worse, one of them is in charge. He's already killed six, whose bodies have been quietly disposed of, because this is an Imperial vessel. They're used to this sort of thing. A Sith killing people? Just a thing that happens, sometimes. The other sith has yet to kill anyone, but she's kept mostly to herself and the small crew of her personal ship, so it's likely only a matter of time. They'll keep the incinerators on standby. They know what happens to people that spend time around Sith.

Besides, the fleet currently has bigger problems than the Sith in their midst. The organization of the jump to hyperspace goes normally, the hyperspace route is new, but it's stable, and none of the ships have any damaged hyperdrives. The nav computers are well built and calculating without errors. They should, by any rights, have a perfectly ordinary trip to the planet.

But the universe is not always fair. For example: while they are in hyperspace, something - goes wrong. The blue of hyperspace shifts purple, twists in a way it shouldn't. No one's quite sure what causes it - some techs argue that a nearby star went nova, others think the hyperspace route was faulty, some insist that nothing they know of could possibly explain this result, it must be a new phenomenon - but the end result?

Seven Imperial ships drop out of hyperspace, one by one, and they are not at the advertised destination.

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... She has literally never had anyone say anything of the sort to her in her life. It is not unpleasant. (She thinks she might be in trouble if he keeps talking, but she never wants him to stop.)

"I," she begins, and then her voice catches for some reason and she has to abort in favor of starting over. "I'm - talking to me is like flying the Dendarii Gorge with your eyes closed?"


"I—when I got really good at it—there's this feeling like... like everything I'm doing is the right thing, I don't need to think about it, I can just fly—I was reaching for a metaphor that expressed how easy it is to talk to you, how our conversations always seem to just flow effortlessly and we keep tossing jokes back and forth like we've already been married for twenty years, and that was what came to mind."


Her vision's blurring and she absently observes that it's been years since she's cried, and that by now the prospect is kind of strange and alien. Also infuriating. This? After everything else she's been through? This is what drives her to - to near tears? Because she hasn't actually started crying yet, it's just the beginning parts of it.

"Um." And suddenly she's embarrassed, and scrunches her eyes shut. "I, believe I might need a minute if you don't want to deal with me crying on you for reasons that really don't make much sense."


...he squeezes her hand. "I am perfectly willing to deal with your nonsensical crying, with or without explanations," he says. "Do you want a hug?"


His reaction is not a bad one, but it is also not one that's conducive to 'the Sith Lord does not cry.' She tilts her head back and blinks open her eyes, contemplating the ceiling. Oh look, tears, what a surprise.

"You know what," she murmurs, "yes, yes I believe I do."


So Miles hugs her.


She reminds herself that Miles is fragile and breakable, so she does not just fling herself at him to sob pathetically into his hair. Instead, she moves to cuddle him slowly, systematically. Like an expertly demolished building, collapsing majestically into the ground. Or, in this case, to an appropriate snuggling position with Miles. To cry on him. Because that's definitely what she's doing now.

"I don't even know where to, to begin to, attempt to explain why I am now crying out of nowhere," she mumbles.


"No rush," he says, wrapping his arms around her.


"Why are you so great," she thinks, but - wait, no, she said that out loud, didn't she? Oh, she is in trouble.


"It seemed obviously preferable to the alternative."



"Funny, that probably would have been my answer, too."


"We are very much alike in a lot of ways. Being really great, for example."


Well, that has earned an extra, and slightly louder sob.

"Did you know," she begins, feeling inane, and then there's another sob and she has to pause and pick it up again, "that slavery's a thing in t-the Sith Empire?"


"...It's not the most surprising thing I've ever heard."


"Right, the society seems to have built itself on the premise of 'how absolutely terrible can we get, let's find out empirically,' it's insane. What probably is a bit more surprising is, the." She snuggles closer; her voice comes out kind of muffled. "Sith's not exactly a profession for the long-lived. And they decided they wanted more Sith, and didn't want to fix the turnover rate problem on account of the aforementioned premise upon which the society is built, and. So they checked various people for Force sensitivity and threw those that were into their academy to become Sith. No matter what they'd been before."

Does she need to say it? She kind of doesn't want to say it.


...he cuddles her.

She probably does not have to say it.


Excellent, she prefers that. It's easier if she doesn't have to say it out loud.

"S-so, there's that, which is - itself, but I think my problem right now is, is." Sniffle. "Some equivalency to travelling through an endless desert, and somehow surviving on account of a mix of luck and cleverness and eventually reaching the point where it's not - easy, perhaps, but surviving in it is manageable. And escape isn't really expected but the desert itself isn't so bad once you have the basics of not dying down and I think I've fleshed out the metaphor enough to continue on let's not linger longer here." Another sob, followed by a sniffle. "Then when you least expect it suddenly there's an, an oasis of some kind, and. And now I am crying, which is great, some Sith Lord I am."


"My favourite Sith Lord," he reminds her.


Did he want another extra sob, because he has earned one. Here it is, just for him.

"Also the only one you've met," she mumbles.


"True. But if I'd met any others I bet you would still be my favourite. Your teacher, when she arrives, will have to be content with second place."


She makes a noise that sounds like an unholy mixture of a sob and a laugh.

"I can't imagine she'd be jealous, she doesn't much care for others' opinions."


"Works out nicely, then."



Snuggle. Sob.

And then, because she will not just leave well enough alone, she has to be very sure that the proverbial oasis is not a mirage and isn't going to disappear into desert sands: "I - I might end up having a, a jealousy problem, I've noticed that I've had some, obsessive, or perhaps a better term would be possessive tendencies. Which, is fun, it's great to know that I definitely have the capacity to become a crazy Sith."


"I'm confident we can figure it out," he says, hugging her.


"What, make a twelve step program for what to do if your girlfriend goes crazy and starts demonstrating why Imperial standard for what to do if a Sith becomes infatuated with you is 'quietly despair inside and say yes to everything they ask'?"

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